
Sadly, Tokyo Game Show 2015 is now over, but the buzz created by the event is still tingling in our bellies and in our hearts! Kind of like indigestion, but awesome. We saw and tried a lot of cool stuff, but we couldn’t catch it all, unfortunately. Thankfully, the Internet somehow managed to do just that, including one of the most amazing cosplays we’ve ever seen, hands down.

We’re not sure if anyone can really “win” cosplaying, since everyone wins when you’re having fun, but if there is a champion among all of TGS 2015’s cosplayers, we think it might be this woman’s take on Metal Gear Solid’s Raiden.

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Masazi is a very active cosplayer, even traveling to China to participate in events and doing some professional modeling as well. So maybe you could argue that she has a slightly unfair advantage…but frankly, we don’t care because this is simply amazing.

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It’s not just the moving headgear that really wows (though that definitely plays a big part in it), it’s the entire ensemble and the way Masazi holds herself. You could be forgiven to thinking she just stepped out of a video game and into reality.

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▼ At least we feel a bit safer knowing she doesn’t want to hurt us…

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Masazi did have some help with her costume—Twitter user @gamisanjp apparently put the outfit and headgear together for her. But that’s not to sell Masazi short, as we think she did an amazing job portraying Raiden.

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▼ This “pan up” video is absolutely killer!

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▼ Here’s a demonstration of the headgear by itself.

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As we mentioned before, Masazi is quite active as a cosplayer, and she has a ton of great photos from various events and photoshoots. It was tempting to post them all right here, but we decided to show some restraint and choose just a few of them. Well, we may have a different definition of “a few” than most people, but we think you’ll agree these are all awesome!

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The cosplayer has even done a bit of modelling for the Underwater Knee-High Girls collection. We still don’t completely understand the “why” behind this project, but we’re certainly not complaining!

Be sure to follow Masazi on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for more photos. Also, you may want to follow @gamisanjp in hopes of getting a glimpse at his next project!

Sources: Culture Lab, Twitter (@manukenosazi)Facebook (Manukenosazi)
Images: Twitter (@MetalGearOnline)

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