
Ever wondered what the classic Lupin III theme song would sound like played on a telephone? Neither have we, but the result is still spectacular!

The 1970s anime classic Lupin III has a new rendition of its jazzy theme song played by a single person pushing telephone buttons.

Monkey Punch’s original manga series about the escapades of a master thief and his gang of buddies has enjoyed enduring popularity over the past several decades, scoring its latest live-action film adaptation less than two years ago. If you’re an anime fan and you haven’t been living under a rock your entire life, you’re no doubt familiar with Lupin III‘s cartoonish style, archetypal characters, and its memorable theme song, which you can sample below:

For reasons unknown to anyone but the team of monkeys running the internet, a YouTube musical telephone performance of the Lupin III theme song from early 2014 has resurfaced online. Despite the odd choice of “instrument,” we can’t help but be mesmerized by this musician’s surprising dexterity and agile fingers!

Watch the musical magic below:

As noted by some commenters, the only problem with the composition seems to be the “7” button, which sounds a bit off-key. Nevertheless, we think that this performance is truly an impressive feat, especially considering the limited resources!

Source: Grape
Featured image: YouTube/ter sis