
Because it’s always nice to have such cute company, right?

There are two reasons Japanese hot springs, or onsen, are great. One, of course, is that taking a dip in one can be great for soothing sore muscles and a stressed mind. The other is that sometimes monkeys relax in onsen too, and they look adorable when they do.

In general, though, those two ways of enjoying onsen are an either/or sort of option. But you can feel like you’re getting the best of both worlds with this new sticker set from animal-themed lifestyle company Felissimo’s You+More! division. Consisting of six pieces, positioning them around your tub will give you the impression that you’re sharing the warm water with a group of Japanese macaques.


In addition to the troop of snow monkeys, you’ll also get foliage stickers so that you can create the atmosphere of a natural outdoor bath. All of the stickers attach to flat surfaces when dampened, meaning there’s no adhesive to be left behind should you decide to reposition your bathing buddies or the simulated greenery.


The set can be ordered from Felissimo here (domestic orders) or here (international orders), priced at 2,100 yen (US$20).

Source: PR Times
Top image: Felissimo (edited by RocketNews24)
Insert images: Felissimo
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Follow Casey on Twitter, where it being the first day in three months that he’s worn long pants at home has him thinking it’s just about cold enough for an onsen trip.

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