Crumples it so easily, we don’t think there is going to be a round two.
There’s a certain charm to stop-motion videos, particularly ones that feature action figures smacking one another around with reckless abandon. Watching them come to life and duke it out can be so satisfying.
Professional stop-motion animator @shinohara_kenta loves making such videos. One recent work of his features a collectible figure of Ryu from fighting game franchise Street Fighter smoothly executing a deadly combo on an empty can of Red Bull.
▼ His opponent did not stand a chance.
— 篠𠩤健太 Animist (@shinohara_kenta) March 24, 2019
エフェクトは控えました。グラフィックもアバウトです。#ストリートファイター ゲームでは足の接地をウソついて辻褄が合わされているので足さばきが難しかった。#ストップモーション #StopMotion #動くオモ写 #SHフィギュアーツ
“Here’s a stop-motion clip of Ryu versus Red Bull. I went with minimal special effects and inlays. As Ryu’s contact with the ground in Street Fighter games were inconsistent, his feet were difficult to work with.”
Dashing forward in an instant, the famed martial artist can be seen delivering two medium punches before finishing off with his trademark dragon punch, leaving a crumpled can and an empty health bar.
▼ The animation was so clean that the folks at Red Bull Esports replied to his post.
That's just because the can is empty!
— Red Bull Gaming (@redbullgaming) March 24, 2019
Great work.
But also painful to watch.
Will all due respect, we’re pretty sure that awesome three-hit combo would crumple any beverage can, full or not.
▼ Here’s behind-the-scenes footage showing some of the props used.
メイキング小話。人形は支えを出して動かし、後の編集で消します(バレ消し)。リュウの上着にはテープがくっつかなくて、お尻の下の方や胸の部分に支えを貼り付けました。#ストリートファイター #ストップモーション #StopMotion #動くオモ写 #SHフィギュアーツ #タンク萌え
— 篠𠩤健太 Animist (@shinohara_kenta) March 25, 2019
▼ Like many stop-motion clips out there, each second of footage requires
a ton of work making minuscule adjustments.
メイキングのタイムラプスです。自宅でこんな感じでコマ撮りしてます。#ストップモーション #ストリートファイター
— 篠𠩤健太 Animist (@shinohara_kenta) March 25, 2019
Comments came quickly from Japanese netizens:
“I love how you paid so much attention to detail, like how Ryu’s left foot adjusted to a neutral position after landing.”
“It’s as if Ryu has come to life.”
“This is so real. The way his hands open during that dash is so accurate, it really reminds me of Street Fighter III.”
“It doesn’t look like a figure at all!”
“It feels exactly like the Ryu from Super Street Fighter II. That’s a fierce shoryuken alright.”
Despite the clip being so short, its polish and quality speaks volumes about @shinohara_kenta’s stop-motion expertise . Now if only he could produce a full battle between two combatants or replicate a certain jaw-dropping double KO fight, then we can have even more things to be happy about.
Source: Twitter/@shinohara_kenta via IT Media
Images: Twitter/@shinohara_kenta
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