Don Quijote is a chain of department stores throughout Japan, offering a wide variety of discount goods. The buildings for Don Quijote are typically several stories tall, with each floor offering different types of merchandise.
Customers don’t usually go to the roof of the building, since there’s nothing up there and it’s dangerous, so when someone is up there, it’s typically not a good thing.
That’s what happened on the afternoon of November 26, when a 14-year-old middle school girl tossed a shopping cart off the roof of a Don Quijote building in Osaka’s Suminoe Ward.
▼ A photo of the Don Quixote at Suminoe Park.
大阪市の「ドン・キホーテ住之江公園店」の屋上駐車場から買い物用カート1台を落としたとして、中学2年の少女(14)を殺人未遂容疑で逮捕 「遊び半分でやった。人に当たったら死ぬことは分かっていた」と供述 =ネットの反応「オッサン狙って落とすとかやべーな」 https://t.co/n7HxK7iisv
— 拡散新聞 |時事ニュースとネットの反応 (@anonymous_post2) November 27, 2021
The girl dropped a shopping cart from the roof of the building into the parking lot 21.5 meters (70.5 feet) below, narrowly missing hitting a 53-year-old man by 2 to 3 meters (6 to 10 feet). He was not injured.
Two 13-year-old female classmates accompanied the girl, and while police have taken them into protective custody and notified the children’s welfare center, the girl herself was arrested on November 27 for attempted murder.
She has admitted to her actions, saying: “I did it mostly for fun. I knew that if I hit someone, they’d die.”
Japanese netizens were shocked by the incident:
“How can you do something like that for fun?”
“Way too far for a prank.”
“That’s a psychopath in the making.”
“I hope she doesn’t get the 100,000 yen for young people.”
“That store needs to make sure this never happens again.”
“I feel like this kind of thing has been happening more among young people.”
While we’re not sure on the data for that last commenter, it’s important to remember that young people are just as often victims of unfortunate crimes too. We’re just glad that this one ended with no one getting hurt.
Source: The Sankei News via My Game News Flash
Top image: Pakutaso
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