We find out which spray is best for protecting ourselves and learn a valuable lesson about wind direction.
When he’s not lighting up bathtubs at the SoraHouse, our cheap countryside home in the mountains of Saitama, or traveling internationally on a shoestring budget, our Japanese-language reporter Go Hatori is a keen ambassador for crime prevention. Recently, he’s been giving public presentations and school lectures where he discusses the dangers of internet fraud and yamibaito (literally “dark part-time jobs”), where people are hired by anonymous employers to do a one time high-paying job that is oftentimes illegal.
▼ He’s even hooked up security cameras, which aren’t as commonly used in Japan when compared to some other countries, to both his parents’ and his own home.
While security systems are all well and good, it’s important to be prepared for a worst-case scenario. Naturally, the first option you should always take for self-protection is to remove yourself from the situation. After all, no one can hurt you if you’re not there. However, it’s not always possible to get away, so a method to protect yourself is required. With that in mind, Go turned to Amazon and purchased five types of self-defence pepper sprays.
Why five? Well, Go actually owns a pepper spray canister for his own safety, as well as having given some to his parents, but he’s never had an occasion where he has needed to use it. Great news! However, he was left wondering about how it actually worked. How much pressure was required to spray it? What’s the effective range? Is it a mist or a liquid? These are all questions that Go figured would be better answered before having the need to use it. A misfire or insufficient range could have disastrous consequences if used within the dangerous encounter itself.
Traveling out to the SoraHouse, where it was unlikely for anyone to be caught in the crossfire, Go pulled out his target: Jerry.
The inflatable ring called Jerry was entrusted to Go by his fellow reporter Masanuki Sunakoma and made for the perfect test dummy to try out the sprays on.
▼ Gone are the peaceful days when Jerry was used for his originally intended purpose.
Let the tests begin!
● Crime Scene TG-2508
This comes as part of a set of three. The price can often fluctuate, but when Go bought it, it was 4,603 yen (US$29.59), making it about 1,534 yen per can. To unlock the spray, you need to rotate the cap, and when you press it…
▼ Mist!
With the reach of the spray, it seemed like you would need to be at a close range for it to reach your intended target. Trying to use this from afar would be mostly ineffective and could result in you unintentionally spraying yourself.
● Armor Japan (Keyring Mini Model)
Claiming to be the “World’s Number One Pepper Spray”, it raised Go’s expectations very high, and cost 1,980 yen.
The cap flips open to reveal the spray nozzle. Be careful of where it’s pointing, so you don’t accidentally aim it at yourself.
Pressing it down results in…
▼ More mist!
This one felt it had more of a focused spray than the first one, with more of the mist heading towards the actual target, rather than covering a wider area. It seems even within the mist-types there are variations in the release of the spray.
● Lilima
The current Best Seller on Amazon for “bear and other animal repellents”. The product claims to have sold over 100,000 units, seeming to be rather popular, and costs 2,480 yen.
All you need to do is remove the cap and it’s all ready for spraying—nice and simple.
Upon using it…
▼ Of course, it’s mist.
This time, however, a surprise was in store for Go.
With a sudden gust of wind, he received a full-frontal attack by the mist he had just released.
Was this truly happenstance or was it perhaps the start of Jerry’s revenge? Had Jerry had enough of being a sitting target and summoned the wind to give Go a taste of his own medicine?
▼ Don’t mess with Jerry!
Reeling in the aftermath of Jerry’s dissatisfaction, Go couldn’t stop coughing and his eyes were stinging.
At least no one can say the spray isn’t able to achieve its intended effect, albeit on the wrong target in this case. Pulling himself back together, Go took aim once more and struck back. For the mist types, it seems you really need to use them at a very close range… and pay attention to which way the wind is blowing.
● Sabre
Another product that raised expectations through the roof. The Amazon page was filled with claims like having a “four-meter spray range” (about 13 feet) and being “trusted by law enforcement agencies worldwide”. The product cost 2,680 yen and, instead of being mist, it was listed as being a “gel-type”.
Lifting the safety cap and pressing the button, what was released was…
▼ A jet of gel
Due to how thin the stream was, it’s pretty difficult to see it in the pictures.
That “four-meter” claim was no joke! Jerry got covered in orange gel.
The feeling of firing the spray was similar to a water pistol; even if you’re a little farther away, as long as your aim is good, you should be able to hit your assailant. Although, with the included instructions of aiming for the eyes, you would need to be a crack shot to pull that off at that distance in a high-stress environment.
● FK
The most expensive of the lineup, costing 3,881 yen, is labelled as being a “mustard and color spray”. It also has the largest liquid volume, at 135 milliliters(4.6 ounces), meaning that it can be used repeatedly, unlike the others that are generally one-time only. When Go shot the spray…
▼ A poisonous gas-like mist appeared.
The range was reasonable and, with the design of the can, it was very unlikely for accidental firings to occur.
Before rushing out to buy pepper spray, it’s crucial to understand Japan’s strict laws regarding concealed weapons:
- Carrying pepper spray can violate the Minor Offenses Act (Article 1, Section 2).
- Carrying it outside and intending to use it against people, even for self-defense can be considered illegal.
- Legitimate reasons, like protection from bears while hiking, are exceptions.
- Keeping pepper spray at home for intruder protection is generally legal.
Always consult a lawyer if you’re unsure about the legality of your intended use.
For Go, the Sabre gel spray is his most preferred, being the most reliable at a long range. However, self-defense tools are only effective if used responsibly and legally. If you’re unsure about the legal risks surrounding pepper sprays, you can still get surprising results with just a simple umbrella.
Photos ©SoraNews24
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