Actual images of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle train PS3Earlier this week, we told you about the Yamanote Line train that will be decked out with the characters from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle (coming to PS3 on August 29). At the time, we could only provide you with a few artist renditions of what the train might look like. But now, may we proudly present to you 31 photos of the actual JoJo train, inside and out!

On August 26 at 5:57am, the first Yamanote Line train of the day pulled out of Osaki Station. This wasn’t the ordinary lime green-striped train that thousands of commuters have come to know, this one was special. The exterior, interior, monitors, and even the advertisements hanging from the carriage ceiling were covered in JoJo. On each side of the doors, the very same characters from the manga were proudly displayed for all to see.

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One really unique feature of the train’s interior was the hanging advertisements. Not only did they have a JoJo theme, they had holes purposefully cut into the center and really interesting textures that must have taken some sort of special printing technique to create. Some of the hanging advertisements looked so realistic, we could hardly tell that they were printed onto paper.

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There’s no doubt that the JoJo All-Star Battle train has the power to make JoJo fans cry tears of joy. If you want to catch a ride on this “bizarre” train, you can follow it’s path on the official JoJo ABS Train website. For those fans who are unable to make it to Tokyo (or even to Japan for that matter), here’s a video of the train. It’s not as good as actually being in the carriage yourself, but you can still get a small fraction of the bliss that comes with riding such a special train.

Images & video: RocketNews24

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