2013.12.22 KFC 6

Tis the season for fried chicken, at least it is according to Japanese Christmas traditions. And if you find yourself with leftovers from your delicious dinner from KFC tomorrow, we have an incredibly easy and tasty recipe to keep that holiday spirit going as long as you have leftover fried chicken in your fridge and your trusty rice cooker. We’ve tried some dubious rice cooker recipes in the past, but this one looks like one of our tastiest yet, so click below to see the recipe for KFC rice!

The ingredients for KFC rice are probably lying around your kitchen right now. So take a look at the list below and start gathering supplies:

3 gou (180-ml cups) of rice

3 pieces of KFC original recipe

1/2 onion, finely chopped

2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped

1/2 package of shimeji mushrooms (or whatever mushrooms you like)

1/2 can of diced tomatoes

1 bay leaf

1 bouillon cube, dissolved in water

dash of salt and pepper

dash of soy sauce

▼ Do you have everything?

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Cooking instructions 

1. Wash the rice, put it in the rice cooker. Put the onions, garlic, tomatoes, mushrooms and bouillon cube dissolved in water on top.

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2. Add the salt, pepper and soy sauce, then pour in the water for three cups-worth of rice. Put the bay leaf and chicken on top.

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3. Turn the rice cooker on and wait for the cooking cycle to finish

2013.12.22 KFC 1

4. When finished cooking, take out the chicken. Pull the meat from the bones and put the de-boned chicken back into the rice cooker.

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5. Give it a little stir and voila, KFC rice!

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▼ For some gourmet touch and color, add parsley.

2013.12.22 KFC 6

As you can see, this is a very easy recipe that requires little to no effort and combines the great taste of fried chicken with our trusty friend the rice cooker. Of course, this recipe is just a guideline so feel free to toy around with the ingredients, such as substituting the mushrooms or adding more or less diced tomatoes.

Well, what do you think? We would love to hear from any rice-cooking enthusiasts who try this recipe out! Or you could just reinvent Japanese Christmas dinner altogether and have a full-on rice cooker Christmas!

Images: RocketNews24
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