Koyuki Higashi creates manga with writer Yuko Masuhara & Hiyakoi’s Emiko Sugiyama.

Newlywed couple Koyuki Higashi and her bride Hiroko are the first same-sex couple to hold a wedding ceremony at Tokyo’s Disney Resort, although Japan does not currently recognize same-sex marriages. The pair recited their vows last March and after gaining media attention, have inspired a manga titled Lesbian-teki Kekkon Seikatsu (Lesbian Married Life). Higashi created the manga with writer Yuko Masuhara and artist Emiko Sugiyama (Hiyakoi).


Publisher East Press released the manga on January 17 alongside a separate book, Futari no Mama kara, Kimitachi e, also by Higashi and Masuhara. The novel discusses the couple’s desires to have a child.

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