RocketNews24 has long stood behind the traditional Japanese loincloth known as a fundoshi. Every year when Fundoshi Day (14 February) rolls around we’re always sure to endorse fundoshi for all of their physical and spiritual benefits.

And now we have reason #165 on why fundoshi are awesome. They can help to prevent sleeping problems for women. At least, that’s the claim made by the makers of Fundoshi Panties now on sale in a mook by Makino Shuppan.

For those not familiar with mooks, they’re like magazines but a little larger and have a slower turnover from regular magazines. In Japan you can find several fashion mooks, many of which come bundled with a free item like a tote bag.

Those interested in Fundoshi Panties should look no further than the mook Odoroki no Kaihokan! Tsukare sukkiri! Kaimin Fundoshi Pantsu which comes bundled with a loincloth all for 1,380 yen (US$13). The included Fundoshi Panties can fit waists from 69cm to 96cm (27 – 38 inches) and are made from double-layered gauze to significantly reduce skin stress and improve breathability.

Conventional panties with elasticated strips around the tops of the thighs can lead to poor blood and lymph circulation, a stuffy feeling, and skin irritation–any of which can trigger sleep disorders such as insomnia.

Fundoshi however, require no elastic and creates a freeing sensation that’s also beneficial to your health. They simply snugly strap up around the waist as tightly as you want to make it.

Fundoshi Panties combine the freedom of fundoshi with the secure comfort of regular underwear. Especially with the full heat of summer about to get into full swing, now might be a good time to gird your loins with the cool feeling of fundoshi and get yourself a comfortably traditional night’s sleep!

Source: @Press News (Japanese)
Original article by Usagi Yumeno

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