
We know that readers of RocketNews24 are big fans of “teh cute,” so today we’d like to share with you a very special project of our own. A series of episodes shot with Sony’s Action Cam about a two-year-old boy’s 100 days with his STRIDER balance bike, 100 Days of Tele and His Red Ride documents little Tele’s first ever two-wheeled adventure, and the results are super cute.

Essential viewing for moms, dads, and fans of cuteness alike, join us after the jump as we cheer for this adorable tyke on his tiny red bike.

We’re happy to announce that Episode 4 of “100 Days of Tele and His Red Ride” is now live on our Action Cam channel, and boy oh boy has that cute little guy come on in leaps–or perhaps strides–and bounds!

But first, a quick recap. Two-year-old Tele lives with his mom, dad, and baby sister in LA. A huge fan of bikes, one day Tele’s parents decided to give him a very special present: a STRIDER balance bike.


Tele soon learned that this bike-riding business isn’t quite as easy as it looks, however, and while there was plenty of fun to be had, he clearly had a lot to learn before he would be tearing through the town on two wheels.

  • Episode 1: “Red Buddy” 

Remember your very first bike? Well this is Tele’s. And it’s no baby bike either; this is a big boy’s bike with no training wheels whatsoever.

Tele may have the smile of an angel, but he’s also one very determined two-year-old. Watch as he takes his first steps, with a couple of adorable wobbles, towards becoming a true STRIDER master.

  • Episode 2: “Little Rookie” 

But with each stride there must come a stumble or two. Episode 2 sees Tele really starting to get to grips with his new wheels. Oh, and getting just a little bit sulky when his baby sister gets a turn on the bike.

  • Episode 3: “Bumpy Road”

Finally, our little man is out of the yard and out in the real world! Okay, so maybe the local park isn’t quite the big, wide world as we know it, but when you’re only two it’s still kind of a big deal. With plenty of room to roam and his feet itching to leave the ground, Tele’s already getting the hang of his STRIDER, and, unless we’re very much mistaken, acquiring quite a taste for racing. Go, Tele!

  • Episode 4: Intermediate highlights

Ah, how our boy’s grown! In our very latest episode, we take a quick look back at the highlights of Tele’s STRIDER adventure as well as seeing his newfound skills. We’ve had excitement, sulking, frustration, and laughter, but the sight of Tele going from wobbly rookie to trainee adventurer fills us with pride. Get ready for 90 seconds of mercilessly cute Action Cam adventure!

With 50 days left to go in Tele’s adventure, there are still four more episodes to come! How will Tele grow through the remaining days? Keep up with Tele–if you can–and follow his progress over on our YouTube channel, or get more info about Sony Action Cam on Facebook.

Good luck, Tele!


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