
Recipes with marshmallows instead of sugar have soared in popularity online in Japan recently. We love marshmallows, so we’re hardly about to complain — so soft! so sweet! — and the rise in popularity even got the attention of some our Japanese writers, who decided to try out a recipe using marshmallows.

And what is the recipe? Cooked eggs!

Wait, cooked eggs and marshmallows? This really can’t turn out well…can it?! Read on to find out!

Obviously, marshmallows are one of the greatest food groups (you read that right) on the planet, but we have to admit we were a bit skeptical about this idea to begin with. Still, we trust our colleagues, so let’s turn it over to them and see how things go!


The recipe our Japanese team found was apparently from Cookpad and it has a relatively simple list of ingredients:

Marshmallows — 5 grams
dashi (Japanese soup stock) — 1 tablespoon
1 egg
soy sauce — 1 teaspoon
olive oil — 1 milliliter

The first thing you’ll want to do is heat the marshmallows and dashi — but not too much, or it’ll develop a burnt smell! — just enough to get them nice and melted. Then, mix the marshmallow/dashi combination in with the eggs.


Our writers actually ended up making the dish three times because the first two tries were not what you’d call a success. What they learned from these failed attempts is that, when adding the melted marshmallows and dashi to the eggs, “do not to mix, but entwine” the ingredients. This will make more sense in a moment…

▼ Unsuccessful attempt number one


Our friendly (and sad) writers told us that the first attempt was nothing like baked eggs at all — instead, they ended up with sweet scrambled eggs. If you love sweet and scrambled, it’s not necessarily a failure, but it certainly wasn’t the original intention.

The reason the eggs ended up scrambled was that they had heard the eggs burned easily and so tried cooking on (too) low heat.

▼ Attempt number two seems to start well.


So, for the second attempt, the heat was increased a bit. After dropping the egg mixture into the frying pan, which contained preheated olive oil, the eggs fluffed right up. Our colleagues weren’t sure if it was because of the marshmallows or the egg white, but it certainly looked spot on!

▼ Mmmm! Looks good!


The eggs cooked extremely quickly. “It’s great if you’re trying to make a bento in the morning,” they quipped. But short cook time has one drawback…

▼ Wait…what’s happening?


If you let your guard down for even a second, you end up with a mess of eggs! Though they were able to fold the eggs and get something that was almost passable, they still weren’t quite happy with the results.

▼ Noooooooooooooooo!


It wasn’t a total loss…but it just wasn’t quite there yet. Attempt two provided a good learning experience for them, but not the eggs they were looking for.

▼ Unless you like eggs that look like depressed fish.


But the third attempt? The third attempt was when real magic happened. With all their acquired experience, things went much better!

As we mentioned before, they found that “entwining” the ingredients (basically mixing them slowly together) worked a lot better. After doing so, the eggs developed a soft fluffiness. They also found the right heat to keep the eggs from burning. You might need a bit of practice to find the sweet spot for yourself, but it’s there waiting for you!

▼ The results of attempt 3


As you can see from these scrumptious-looking photos, things worked out a lot better this time and our writers were able to fold the eggs to perfection.


They also suggested using this technique when making rice omelettes – a favorite of nearly everyone in Japan. Though there might be some who aren’t a fan of how sweet the eggs are, we suspect there will be plenty who love it.


Now, we just need to figure out how to get our Japanese writers to come to our houses and cook this for us every day…

Reference: Cookpad
All images © RocketNews24


mi-0Need more marshmallow action? Don’t miss our simple recipe for frozen marshmallow cream!


[ Read in Japanese ]

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