Feline financial aid system helps contribute to a happier workplace, CEO says.
In addition to their monthly salaries, some office workers in Japan receive various bonuses and allowances from their companies. Housing allowances are the most common, and some employers also offer to cover a certain amount of travel expenses if the employee is on an extended on-site assignment or posting far away home, so that they can come back regularly to visit their spouse and children.
But Ferray Corporation, whose office is located in Tokyo’s Harumi neighborhood, offers something you won’t find at any other company. Each employee is eligible for a supplement to their base pay that’s called neko teate, which translates to “cat compensation.”
▼ Some scenes from Ferray’s office
就活生諸君!君たちが追い求めているのはこういうことでしょ? (7月17日会社説明会実施)#ファーレイ株式会社 #会社説明会 #就職活動 #新卒採用 #猫 #猫とはたらく pic.twitter.com/zvBU0kwY2Y
— ファーレイ株式会社 (@v_ume) June 21, 2019
「目線、ちょうだい。いいよー、いいよー!」本日は共同通信社に取材いただきました。「猫と働き方改革」今の時代の大切なテーマ、どんな記事になるか楽しみです。1週間ほどで地方紙の朝刊等に掲載される予定です。 pic.twitter.com/ktwi5W3eYo
— ファーレイ株式会社 (@v_ume) July 10, 2019
Ferray was founded 19 years ago, and not long after that one of its employees adopted a rescue cat. The cat started accompanying its owner to work, and it wasn’t long before other employees started acquiring rescue cats of their own.
— ファーレイ株式会社 (@v_ume) April 2, 2019
仕事熱心なわけではなく、暖をとりたかったのね。。。(かわいい)#ファーレイ株式会社 #猫とはたらく #猫 #会社説明会参加者募集中 #就活 pic.twitter.com/TKtXjsSJNx
With more and more cats spending their days in the office, it was plain to see how important these furry companions were to the staff members, and so Ferray introduced a new wrinkle to its compensation packages. Under the neko teate system, employees with a rescue cat receive an extra 5,000 yen (US$46) a month, to help offset the cost of food and other pet supplies.
https://twitter.com/v_ume/status/1139489923889635328As for what sort of work Ferray does (aside from oohing and ahhing over their animal officemates), the company specializes in IT development. That, of course, requires plenty of computer equipment, and the presence of so many kitties means a few special measures have to be taken. Barrier fences are in place to keep the cats off of particularly sensitive machinery, and workers are encouraged to unplug or otherwise disable their keyboards when stepping away from their desks, to prevent unwanted feline inputs as the animals walk or lounge across the keys.
【最終告知】明日、新卒者対象の会社説明会を行います。人を踏み台にしてでも上を目指したい猫を見たい学生さん、是非参加ください。こんなこと言うのは不謹慎ですが、すでに内定もらっている人も歓迎です。弊社ウェブにてエントリーください。#ファーレイ株式会社 #就活 #新卒採用 pic.twitter.com/tD36m6dExX
— ファーレイ株式会社 (@v_ume) July 16, 2019
会社説明会のお知らせ。7月17日(水)14時から晴海本社において2020年度新卒者対象の企業説明会を行います。最後のチャンスになります。内定が出ている学生さんも参加可。社会を知る良い機会です。弊社ウェブにてエントリーください。#ファーレイ株式会社 #就活 #猫とはたらく pic.twitter.com/9m2xN3Q7fp
— ファーレイ株式会社 (@v_ume) July 9, 2019
The cat-friendly atmosphere isn’t something top management has had to grudgingly acquiesce to either. Ferray’s CEO Hidenobu Fukuda says:
“Every time the cats do something naughty, work comes to a stop. Sometimes we all have a good laugh, and sometimes they cause actual problems, but I think this helps our staff feel closer to each other by having something in common other than our work itself.”
本日、テレワーク(在宅勤務)の社員が重なったため 「ねこ>ひと」 のブースとお昼ご飯を心配する猫たち #ファーレイ株式会社 #猫 pic.twitter.com/H8ltcwZnhO
— ファーレイ株式会社 (@v_ume) April 12, 2019
本日はNHKのテレビ番組の取材を受けました。番組放送の詳細が決まり次第、報告いたします。 pic.twitter.com/UkQC1cbhaz
— ファーレイ株式会社 (@v_ume) May 15, 2019
Currently, about a half-dozen cats regularly spend their days in the office, but Fukuda, speaking in his capacity as head of feline resources, says they still have room for more, and the company itself is recruiting graduates for the 2020 Japanese school year (which ends in spring) through its website here.
Related: Ferray
Source: Nitele News 24 via Yahoo! Japan News via Otakomu
Top image: Pakutaso
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