Ride the tiger!

As we gradually settle into 2025, the wave of fukubukuro lucky bags for sale also tends to die down. However, our writers still get the occasional bag delivered to their doorstep, such as this rather feral one that made its way to Masanuki Sunakoma from Osaka recently.

It was sent from Naniwa Komachi, a store in the Shinsekai area of Osaka that specializes in the quintessential garb of the Osaka Obachan (“upper-middle-aged ladies”) which is rich in animal prints and rhinestones. Actually, mere hours before writing this, a very large fire broke out directly behind the Naniwa Komachi store, but the clothing store appears to have been unharmed, perhaps in a testament to the sheer power this fashion possesses.

▼ According to reports a single man in his 30s, who was taken to the hospital with minor injuries, was the only person harmed.

▼ And just to show how extremely close it was, the fire in the video above occurred at the Retro Arcade Zarigani. Naniwa Komachi (なにわ小町) is just to the left of it. Hopefully, smoke and water damage was minimal.

It’s a power that Masanuki first harnessed a decade ago and ever since has felt a great deal of reverence for. He purchased their lucky bag last year and wasted no time doing so again this year. For 10,000 yen (US$64) he got the Online Shop Limited Lucky Bag, which was a true lucky bag in that it had a random and unknown selection of items inside.

The fact that this is considered women’s clothing hadn’t stopped Masanuki in the past, but this time after he placed his order he was contacted by the shop. In true Osaka Obachan style of being protectively nosy, they noticed his male name on the order form and told him that they could specially prepare items suitable for men, which he really appreciated.

The first item in his tailored fukubukuro of masculine Osaka Obachan clothing was a leopard-print sweatsuit. Its feral pattern in a relatively mild color palette exuded that blend of high energy and soothing comfort that Osaka Obachan are known for.

He also got a leopard-print hat, a pair of socks, a roaring leopard T-shirt, and tights with a snake-skin print on them. Interestingly, the socks didn’t match to symbolize the duality that lives in all of us, the conflicting forces of self-determination and self-doubt that propel us through time and space.

Either that or they made a mistake. You can never really know and therein lies the true essence of the wild both in nature and in fashion. It will not be predicted, calculated, or controlled.

It was really nice that one lucky bag had everything he needed for a complete ensemble. Masanuki hurried to put it all on and headed out to his usual modeling spot, a vacant lot behind his home.

Suddenly the gravel and brick began to melt away and the piercing neon lights of downtown Osaka’s Dotombori blasted through it all as a cacophony of store jingles and street-side barkers echoed in his ears…

They were mean streets to be sure, but the leopard fears none. And yet, the leopard is also a noble creature that shows compassion to all it deems worthy. This is the essence of the Osaka Obachan and it was coursing through his veins.

Masanuki recalled reading an observation by a tourist on social media that Japanese people only wear black, blue, or brown. Perhaps Osaka Obachan clothing all over Japan, both in men’s and women’s styles, is the solution.

For anyone looking to take the plunge, Masanuki would recommend starting with a Naniwa Komachi lucky bag as the starter kit and then adding your own touches as you go. It’s best to start with the leopard and then gradually include bears, giraffes, or birds of prey as your skill level improves.

Unfortunately, these bags are sold out for 2025 but the good thing about years is that they come around at least once a year. So, be sure to stop by the Naniwa Online store around the next New Year season, or just embody the predatory animal of your choice and hunt down the style that best suits you any time of year.

Store information
Naniwa Komachi / なにわ小町
Address: 1-21-14 Ebisuhigashi, Naniwa, Osaka
Open noon–5:00 p.m.
Closed Thursdays

Photos ©SoraNews24
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