
Power up with Mega Man E Tank sports drink

Sometimes, everyday tasks can seem like a bigger challenge than a stage in a retro video game. As the day draws on, you get more and more tired, losing the ability and will to go on. Wouldn’t itbe nice to have some sort of item that could instantly refuel all of the energy that you’ve lost throughout the day? Well, fear not, because CAPCOM has decided to bring the E Tank, one of Megaman‘s most useful and iconic items straight from the year 20XX to the current day in the form of a sports and energy drink.

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Cry into your Mega Man cushion while you wait in vain for a new game in the series

Despite the reluctance of video game publisher Capcom to green-light any new titles, there’s a lot to love about the Mega Man franchise, including creative boss battles, catchy music, and tough but fair challenges. The defining characteristic of the series, though, is the ability to acquire the weapons of your fallen foes, upgrading your starting buster gun so that it fires flames, saw blades, or that weird circle of leaves from Mega Man 2.

Mega Man only has a limited number of shots with each weapon, though. Thankfully, he can restock his health and weapon energy by picking up containers called E Tanks during each level. Still, there never seem to be enough E Tanks about when you really need them, so if you’re a trigger happy Mega Man fan, you might want to keep one lying around your living room in the form of this cool E-Tank cushion.

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