
Little boy’s lost toy elephant gets Photoshopped around world to look like it’s traveling【Pics】

The elephant isn’t lost, he’s traveling! Just like I’m not crying, those are onion tears!

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Tennis coach forces his students to draw elephant heads on their penises【TomoNews Video】

A tennis coach in Tainan banned his students from dating. Anyone who broke the rule was forced to have an elephant drawn on their privates.

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Elephant nose ice cream: The treat with a trunk

If you’re looking for a fun way to eat your dessert, look no further than Zou-No-Hana Cafe in Yokohama, Japan. The house specialty, the zou no hana (elephant nose) ice cream has been enticing regular visitors and tourists alike with its cute, albeit strange, face and oversized waffle cone ears.

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We knew elephants could paint, but we didn’t expect them to be so good at it!【Video】

We’re all talented in ways that others aren’t; some of us are born artists, while some can barely draw anything more complex than a stick man. It seems that would be the case with elephants too. It is said that in every 200 elephants trained to paint, only about four manage to master the skill.

Of course, in the case of elephants, painting is skill they are trained to remember, not an inborn talent. Even with that said, some of the drawings they make are so impressive, we can’t help but wonder if some natural talent is involved!

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