For those too young to have owned an NES or too old and lazy to dust yours off, Super Mario Bros. is now playable in your web browser thanks to Full Screen Mario, an open source (and completely free!) browser game created by Josh Goldberg. And not only can you squish Goombas and revisit your favorite place to get infinite 1-UPs, but you can even create your own custom levels.
The Super Mario Bros. browser game was made using HTML5 which means you don’t even have to have Flash Player installed on your computer to maneuver the world’s most famous plumber through drain pipes and over puddles of lava. What’s even cooler is that the game is wide screen, giving you a different, arguably better playing experience than that of your childhood. For those who feel confident, you can even drag and drop items to create completely new and unique levels. Since you’re playing on a computer, the controls are a little different and the browser game is still in beta phase, but it still delivers an awesome Mario gaming experience.
▼ Use the Map Select menu to choose which stage you want to start from.
▼ Click the “Level Editor” button in the lower left hand corner and…
▼ Arrange the levels however you want!
So what are you waiting for? Go over to Full Screen Mario and save Princess Peach from the comforts of your computer chair (just make sure your boss isn’t around).
Sources: Full Screen Mario, Mashable
[ Read in Japanese ]
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