Look for Mr. Sato’s mini in the Tokyo-3 world!

Have you ever wished that you could be in the world of one of your favorite anime? Well, at Small Worlds Tokyo, you can…sort of! Small Worlds Tokyo is a miniature world theme park, where the worlds of Sailor Moon and Evangelion have been reproduced in expansive dioramas, along with European and Asian cities, a space center, and an airport. But what’s kind of neat about Small Worlds Tokyo is that, in addition to browsing the worlds, you can also pay to have a small figure of yourself made and included in one of them!

Mr. Sato could not resist the urge to represent SoraNews24 at Small Worlds Tokyo with a tiny replica of himself. Each of Small Worlds Tokyo’s six different areas were open for new figures at the time that he applied, but since Mr. Sato is an Evangelion fan, he bought “Residency Rights” to Tokyo-3, which is the fictional setting of the series.

The miniaturized replication of Tokyo-3 is actually divided into two sections: the old town, where the main character Shinji lived in the series, and the new town, where NERV headquarters was, but all the customer figures are placed in the old town. You can choose where you want your figure to go within the allowed areas, though, so Mr. Sato asked for his mini-Sato to be placed just in front of the entrance to a Lawson outside of Shin-Gora Station.

Each figure is 1/80 scale, just two centimeters (0.79 inches) tall, so despite knowing where his figure would be, it was surprisingly hard to find it in this very detailed diorama. First to find the Lawson…

Then to look closer near the entrance….

There he is!!

Mr. Sato admits it was pretty neat to find his likeness in the Evangelion world. It almost looks like him in real life…this random, middle-aged guy dilly-dallying outside of a convenience store–probably thinking about what to eat–could be none other than Mr. Sato.

The Residency Rights Package not only gives you a 1/80 scale figure to place in the small world; it also gives you a 1/35 scale figure to take home too. Initially the program included only figures in black and white, but since a lot of customers requested full-color figures, the museum decided to change their policy.

Just look at this tiny Mr. Sato! Though it’s small and a little blurry, there’s no doubt that it’s him. They’ve fully replicated all of the small details about him, down to the color of his glasses and his watch strap, and even his silly open-mouthed expression.

After picking up his take-home figure, Mr. Sato whisked it off to the many tiny photo spots in all the different dioramas throughout the museum, like this one in the Space Center area. Placed right in front of the space shuttle, it looks just like he was standing there himself.

If you want to have your own figure in the museum, you still can for a limited time! While the deadline for applying to have your figure inserted into most of the small worlds has passed, applications to have your figure in the Sailor Moon world remain open until August 31. The Residency Rights Package for the Sailor Moon world costs 19,800 yen (US$186.66) for adults and 17,600 yen for teens and children high school age and younger. You can order it online through the official website before you go in to have it made, or buy it at the Annual Pass counter when you visit.

Once you’ve ordered your Residency Rights Package, or if you already have, then you have until September 30 to go for your first visit and have your figure made. You won’t have to pay to go in to see it, either; the Residency Rights Package also includes a year’s pass to the museum, so you can go back again and again to see how your little figure is doing!

Park Information
Small Worlds Tokyo
Address: Tokyo-to, Koto-ku, Ariake 1-3-33 Ariake Butsuryu Center
東京都江東区有明1丁目3−33 有明物流センター
Open daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. (some days have different schedules, so please check the calendar for a specific date)

Photos © SoraNews24
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