An entertainment show in Tokyo’s center of traditional culture combines the old with the new in a flaming, nonverbal spectacle.
Venture into Shinbashi, where an old-school cafe awaits to captivate your taste buds and provide an unforgettable culinary experience.
Shibuya is going to the dogs in the cutest way possible–and you can now take them home to share with family and friends.
Is the daily grind getting too much? Don’t sweat it—or rather do! These four saunas will revitalize your weary mind and body.
Sip the flavors of nostalgia in this Showa-era cafe that’s also a way to beat the lines at one of Tokyo’s most popular bakeries.
The only difference is that our version of a “mountain” may be a bit more gastronomically inclined.
A unique tourist experience where you can eat Japanese food…and take it home with you to enjoy forever as a hyper-realistic food sample.
We stumble upon Butch, possibly the last remaining iPhone liner-upper in the wild, and see what makes him tick.
Use of the app requires a registration fee, verification documents, and a virtual interview for residents of Tokyo to gain access to its services.
Like the worst maid cafe you’ve ever been to, where diners are told to eat their food like pigs.