You also must wave your fingers to be eligible.

Pokémon Centers, stores which deal in all kinds of Pokémon-themed items from plush toys to clothing, can be found in many major cities across Japan and are great fun for any fan of the series. And now, they’re getting just a bit better for a limited time.

From 3 to 11 September, all Pokémon Centers will be giving away free tickets redeemable for in-game content for Pokémon Brilliant Diamond, Shining Pearl, Sword, Shield, and Legends: Arceus. It’s really simple to get too…kind of. Let’s take a look at the instructional video.

As you can see, in order to get a card with a redemption code, you must first enter a Pokémon Center. Next, you need to track down and greet a staff member. Once you have their attention, you must then perform the metronome move, which involves waving both your fingers side to side like windshield wipers while saying “Pi pi pi pi…”

The video also explains that the proper technique to do this is to first extend your arms, and then bend your elbows upwards at 90 degree angles. At first, wave the single extended fingers from 11 o’clock to 1 o’clock. After that, you should intensify your pi-pi-pi-ing by saying it more loudly and increasing your finger range to 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock.

I’m not sure if all that is necessary, but it’s probably better to be safe than sorry. Otherwise, you’d just look foolish.

At this point you might be asking “Why?” Well, as any fast food restaurant menu will tell you, this is the moon-watching season in Japan. And as any Pokémon fan will tell you, the Pokémon most tuned in with the cycles of the moon is Clefairy, which in Japanese is called “Pippi.”

So, when inputting the code into your Switch, you’ll receive a “Moon-Viewing Clefairy” (Otsukimi Pippi) that has a move set based on the moon such as shadow ball and moonblast. It’s a fairly beefy move set to start with, and to get one all you have to do is to swallow a little pride, head down to a Pokémon Center, and start pi-pi-pi-ing your heart out.

Going by online comments, however, this might be too much of a challenge for some fans in Japan.

“That’s too difficult lol.”
“I’m too embarrassed. I can’t do it.”
“Something for all the big children out there.”
“They’re really strict about the technique.”
“That’s a good way to keep away resellers.”
“That kind of looks like fun.”
“It’s probably really cute when kids do it though.”
“All I can think about is some really overweight adult man doing this.”
“I can’t do it. I feel like I’d be bothering the clerk.”

I’m not so sure about that last concern. I can’t imagine a job that wouldn’t be enhanced by the customers suddenly pretending to be Pokémon for a change. Besides, the campaign is only open for about a week, so there’s hardly any time for it to get old.

So why not head down to a location near you and let your inner Clefairy shine during this year’s moon-viewing season?

Source: Otsukimi Pippi, Hachima Kiko
Images: YouTube/Pokemon Official YouTube Channel
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