Yebisu Beer

JoJo’s bizzare/beautiful beer – Manga creator Hirohiko Araki designs Ebisu Beer cans

Illustrations take inspiration from classic bijinga posters.

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Ensure your dad gets a cold one this Father’s day with Yebisu’s cold-detecting cans

Nothing says, “Thanks, Dad,” like a perfectly chilled beer!

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Love beer? Then the Museum of Yebisu Beer may be worth visiting!

Do you love beer? We here at RocketNews24 certainly do! And fortunately, there’s no shortage of tasty beer in Japan. But where can you go if you want to learn a little bit more about the cold, refreshing drink as well as drink it? The first place that comes to mind may be Sapporo, on the northern island of Hokkaido, where Sapporo Breweries have their Sapporo Beer Garden  and Sapporo Beer Museum. To be sure, visiting the Sapporo Beer Museum for an educational tour and then hopping over to the Beer Garden next-door for some delicious Genghis Khan (lamb or mutton) barbecue can definitely be a wonderful experience, but what if you’re not in Hokkaido, which usually is a little out of the way for visitors to Japan.

Well, there’s actually a facility you can visit in central Tokyo that may be of interest to beer lovers. It’s called the Museum of Yebisu Beer, located near Ebisu (or Yebisu, either spelling is possible) Station within the Yebisu Garden Place complex. I actually found it quite by accident a few days ago and was pleasantly surprised after taking a look. Here’s what you can see at the museum… and yes, you can drink and taste as well!

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