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Ever bought something from an online merchant, only to realize after the product had arrived that it’s not what you expected? In order to minimize the probability of such situations, many online shoppers refer to the comments and reviews written by other shoppers who have bought the item previously. Some enthusiastic reviewers might even attach photographs of the products to provide a more detailed review.

Such shopping reviews with pictures attached are far from are sights on retail websites or online auctions, but Korean shoppers seem to be more enthusiastic and daring with their review photos, some even bordering on the risqué!

Product shots put up by retailers are often photographed by professionals under flattering lighting, and are more often than not touched up afterwards to look even better. Especially in the case of apparel, the professional models who showcase the clothes often have impeccable good looks, and almost anything they wear looks fantastic on them, which causes some inevitable image discrepancy when a consumer with a less than model-like figure dons the garment eventually. With marketing tactics filling up the product description page, it is unsurprising why the comments and reviews from fellow shoppers are highly valued by internet shopping enthusiasts.

Korea’s online shopping fanatics seem to not only enjoy buying products via the internet, they give us the impression that they enjoy taking photos and reviewing their purchases just as much, even with revealing clothing and lingerie! So many of them have such great figures, we’re starting to wonder if they’re really common shoppers, or models hired by the vendors to “review” the products…

▼ Swimwear
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▼ Figure-hugging apparel
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▼ Lingerie






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Such eye candy! We wouldn’t be surprised if even men are browsing these product pages!

Source: Zhaizhai News
Images: Iamchoigo, Doremipa