
While avid football (or soccer, if you prefer) fans around the world are ticking down the days until Thursday (the start of the FIFA World Cup) a popular YouTuber in Singapore is doing his part to ease their anticipation with a few laughs. He and his group of friends put together a brilliant video in which they recreate some common situations people find themselves in while watching game after game of the tournament. You can definitely relate to their list whether you’re a staunch supporter yourself or if you’re surrounded by people who are.

Which of the parodied scenarios can you sympathize with most?

The video “12 World Cup Problems” was uploaded by Singaporean YouTuber Jonathan Cheok on his channel cheokboardstudios. He and a group of friends, some of them popular YouTubers themselves, starred in the video, which has already racked up over 42,000 views despite having been released less than a week ago.

“12 World Cup Problems” owes its success to the enthusiasm of the actors and their giggle-inducing antics, complete with silly sound effects and subtitles to explain the meaning of certain Singlish phrases. As the video’s description says:

“World Cup season is back and here are some of the WORST problems you can face during this time of football-watching, match-betting and zombified sleepless nights!”

So what are some of those problems? Watch the video yourself or see our handy summary below!

1. Instant Replay

Upon hearing celebratory shouts, an ignoramus in another room asks, “What happened?” and you proceed to act out the play in person. Just hope that you’re not the one spontaneously chosen to be the ball!


2. Gan Chiong Spider

This one refers to that annoying viewer who can’t stop whimpering in anticipation until you just want to smack them upside the head.


3. Missing in Action

You’re too scared to go to the bathroom or even get water for fear that you’ll miss the most important moment of the game!


4. Bookie Monster 

Always make sure you make bets with someone reliable, or your hard-won earnings might go down the toilet if that person unexpectedly gets arrested at the worst possible timing…


5. Keeping Awake

You know firsthand what it must be like to be a zombie after days of sleep deprivation while watching the endless games…and you’re willing to try ANYTHING to keep your eyelids propped open.


6. Action Packed

Ever meet that fake guy who pretends to know what he’s talking about, but then gets busted when he makes a ridiculous comment?


7. No Cable Guy

Why would someone invite you over to watch the games at their house if they don’t even have cable? To hear the neighbors yelling after each call?


8. Crazy Celebration

OK guys, we know you’re excited, but let’s try and keep it appropriate for the kids!


9. (You’ve Got That) Losing Feeling 

Any sports fan can attest to the pain of defeat. Even grown men are apt to dissolve into a sobbing puddle of tears when their favorite team loses.


10. High Tide

That moment of celebration at halftime for the simple reason that you can FINALLY go to the bathroom.


11. Distractions

Because it’s such a “problem” when your hot partner just won’t stop blocking your view of the game…


12. Miscommunication

This last one is a joke playing on the fact that the sport played at the World Cup has so many different names across the world. Don’t confuse your sports, folks!


If you enjoyed this video, you’ll probably enjoy other videos by cheokboardstudios, such as “#SELFIE (Parody) – Singapore Version,” “Things Girls Do That Guys Can’t,” and the newly released “7 Ways to Survive Bangkok.”

Also, if you’re interested in following the Japan national soccer team take on the World Cup, the Samurai Blue will play their first game against Côte d’Ivoire on June 14 at 10 PM local time. Ganbare Japan!

Source/Images: YouTube