What do you think of 3-D movies? Personally, I’m not a big fan as they somehow tire my eyes. While I have to agree that the effects do make some action and fantasy scenes more dramatic and exciting, I’m totally happy sticking with the 2-D versions, not to mention that those are cheaper to watch at the cinemas too.
But I’m sure there are people out there who love the extra impact and wished that every movie was available in 3-D. It’s probably impossible to remaster every past production in 3-D, but some imaginative cyber citizens have found a low-cost method of eye-trickery that makes 2-D animations appear as if they’re coming through the screen. It’s eye-opening what a few white lines can do!
▼ Incoming!
As you may have already noticed, by strategically placing a few white lines within the frame and cleverly manipulating the animation to move “back and forth” between the axes, a pseudo 3-D illusion is achieved by tricking our eyes and brain to take in the scene as if the screen is where the white lines are. Perhaps some of you may have seen similar images floating online as I have too, but these crafty GIFs never fail to catch my attention. Feast your eyes!
▼ Gigantic impact with the titans!
▼ Somehow this one makes me feel really sleepy…
These images pack a decent punch, don’t you think? I admit, the last one makes me flinch a little no matter how many times I look at it. I’m not quite sure if I would want to watch a movie that has white lines on it throughout the whole show, but I wouldn’t mind these GIFs for a change of pace every now and then!
Source: Zhaizhai News (1, 2)
Top image: Tumblr
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