Kuraberu Tōzai presents an easy-to-understand compilation of regional differences between Tokyo and Osaka in terms of cuisines, art, and cultural traditions.
With visitors to Japan often making the journey between Tokyo, located in the eastern Kanto region, and Osaka and Kyoto, located in the western Kansai region of the country, many people will have noticed the cultural differences that exist between two of the nation’s most populous areas. When riding on the escalator in the Kanto region, (Tokyo, Chiba, Saitama, Gunma, Tochigi, Ibaraki, and Kanagawa), it’s customary to stand on the left, while in Kansai (Osaka, Kyoto, Nara, Mie, Wakayama, Hyōgo, and Shiga), people are said to stand on the right. There are interesting differences in the language too, with the Kansai-ben regional dialect replacing “arigato” with “ookini” for “thank you“.
People in Japan and around the world are continually fascinated by the intriguing distinctions between the two areas, and now there’s a new book on the scene dedicated to addressing the subject through a series of easy-to-understand images.
▼ Called “Kuraberu Tōzai”, or “East and West Compared”, the cover of the book instantly draws readers into the subject with the image of a public bath placed by the wall in the eastern region of Japan (left) and in the centre of the room in the west (right).
「くらべる東西」のカバーをツイートしたところ銭湯愛好家の方からたくさんリツイートしていただき、世の銭湯ファンの多さを改めて感じているところですが、この両銭湯の名前、この写真だけでおわかりになる方けっこうおられるのかしらん。 pic.twitter.com/rdcK26xS5Z
— 岡部敬史(おかべたかし) (@okataco) June 6, 2016
Inside, there are a number of beautiful side-by-side images showing the distinctions between east (東) and west (西) Japan.
There are colourful taxi cabs on the roads of Kanto, compared to sleek, dark taxi cabs in Kansai.
ずっとこんな本が出てほしいと思っていた。東西の違いを、ビジュアルとテキストで比べる。一目瞭然。特に食べ物問題は切実で、私(関西人)は東京で出された「ぜんざい」にびっくりしたのを思い出しました。おかべたかし『くらべる東西』(東京書籍) pic.twitter.com/v6XoVl8xbe
— Title(タイトル) (@Title_books) June 13, 2016
The difference between the slicing of negi leeks used in cooking is even addressed.
[仕入速報]写真集『くらべる東西』(東京書籍)が大人気です。西と東の文化の違いが一目でわかる! 思わず唸ってしまう解説文もおもしろい。個人的には居酒屋でよく出る「白・青ねぎ」の背景が勉強になりました。1F,2F,7Fまで。Y.O. pic.twitter.com/alypajCgvM
— 紀伊國屋書店 新宿本店 (@KinoShinjuku) June 15, 2016
The warm sweet red bean paste dessert known as zensai are also served differently according to the region.
ずっとこんな本が出てほしいと思っていた。東西の違いを、ビジュアルとテキストで比べる。一目瞭然。特に食べ物問題は切実で、私(関西人)は東京で出された「ぜんざい」にびっくりしたのを思い出しました。おかべたかし『くらべる東西』(東京書籍) pic.twitter.com/v6XoVl8xbe
— Title(タイトル) (@Title_books) June 13, 2016
▼ There are differences between the country’s shichimi seven-spice mixture…
今週発売の「くらべる東西」から「東西あるある」ネタをツイートするコーナー。今朝は「七味唐辛子」です。ご覧のように東のほうが赤い唐辛子が目立ち、西は黒い山椒が目立つ。関西は大抵山椒が強い七味を揃えてますね。食卓の二つ揃えると楽しいよ pic.twitter.com/0r6EWXyQ5C
— 岡部敬史(おかべたかし) (@okataco) June 5, 2016
▼ And also intriguing distinctions between ancient pottery traditions.
もうすぐ発売「くらべる東西」から東西の違いを紹介するコーナー。今朝は「縄文土器」です。ご覧のように東のほうが派手なのは、縄文時代は関東のほうが豊かで社会も発展していたから。東の豊かさは鮭やドングリに支えられていたという説があります。 pic.twitter.com/9WVsEhJ9xY
— 岡部敬史(おかべたかし) (@okataco) June 7, 2016
Even the little parcels of inarizushi soy-wrapped rice morsels are packed differently in the Kanto and Kansai areas.
▼ Oden hot pot styles and ingredients also differ.
The book also asks readers to spot the difference between zabuton cushion seats in each region.
All these interesting comparisons and distinctions have been inspiring Twitter users to think of their own ideas, like this one that compares the differences between the cold noodle dish known as Hiyashi Chuka.
https://twitter.com/sea_haya/status/742228556449599488The book is currently available on Amazon Japan and at bookstores around the country, and with the popularity of the book soaring online through social media, it won’t be long before it makes its way to cafes and hotel lobbies from east to west for tourists and visitors to flick through.
Source: Togetter
Top Image: Twitter/@shohei_ (edited by RocketNews24)
Insert Images: Hatena Blog/okataco
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