VR videos of adult film actresses provide dirty thoughts to be turned into clean energy.
In Japan, March 14 is White Day, when guys are expected to give return presents for the Valentine’s Day chocolate they got from girls a month earlier. However, if your love life isn’t particularly active, this year there’s an alternate way to celebrate.
In Tokyo’s Shibuya neighborhood, Japanese company Soft on Demand is setting up a special White Day light display, with a romantic pink heart softly bathing passersby in its glow. However, it’s not just romance that Soft on Demand wants to promote, but clean energy as well, since the electricity that powers the lights come not from the city’s power grid, but from volunteers pedaling electricity-generating stationary bikes.
“But wait, Casey,” you say, filling your voice with as much plausible innocence as possible. “Strictly due to my scholarly interest in your previous articles, I know that Soft on Demand is actually Japan’s premiere supplier of online pornography. As such, I would theorize that there’s some sort of ribald element to the proceedings, but are my (entirely academic, non-aspirational) assumptions correct?” The answer is yes.
As you might have noticed in the concept image at the top of this article, the people pedaling the bikes are wearing VR headsets, and since Soft on Demand is involved, the images they’ll be seeing aren’t of a quiet lakeside cycling path or challenging mountain bike course. Instead, the riders will be watching VR videos of adult video actresses. Specifically, they’ll be able to gaze upon Tina Nanami…
…and Hinata Koizumi.
The idea is that by watching suggestive VR videos of beautiful women, the riders will feel a surge of energy, which will translate into more vigorous pedaling, with part of the electricity being produced channeling back into powering the VR displays, and the rest lighting up the illuminated pink heart decoration.
There’s one final kink to the system, which is that Soft on Demand is specifically asking for virgins to participate, citing a desire to utilize their “spurting energy that has nowhere else to go.”
However, Soft on Demand isn’t demanding that participants provide proof of virginity, so the event is seemingly open to volunteers regardless of their sexual history or lack thereof. Also, perhaps because once one participant finishes the next will take his place on the same seat, the VR videos shown are not full-blown pornography, although the organizers do promise they include simulated kisses from Nanami and Koizumi as rewards for all your hard, hard work. They’ll also be personally on hand to take photos with participants after their sessions.
▼ A diagram of the system, which Soft on Demand boasts is the first of its kind anywhere in the world, and is part of its continuing efforts to make an eco-friendly lifestyle sexy whenever it can.
The White Day Illumination Shining with Virgin-Produced Electricity event will take place on March 14 from 5 to 11 p.m. on Degenzaka street in Shibuya.
Event information
White Day Illumination Shining with Virgin-Produced Electricity / 童貞力発電で輝くホワイトデーイルミネーション
Venue: Tokyo-to, Shibuya-ku, Dogenzaka 2-21, Dogenzaka Bicycle Parking Space
March 14
5 p.m.-11 p.m.
Source: Soft on Demand (NSFW) via Kai-You
Images: Soft on Demand (NSFW)
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