Have your pet face east-northeast while eating these treats on February 3 and it’s sure to bring them good luck!

With the New Year’s season over, the next Japanese holiday to look forward to is Setsubun, the day before the traditional beginning of spring, when rituals are held to drive away evil spirits and bad luck. On Setsubun, people throw “fortune beans” out their front door while shouting “demons out, fortune in!”, and eat ehomaki (“lucky direction sushi rolls”) while facing that year’s lucky direction according to the Chinese Zodiac, rituals said to bring in good fortune and sound health for the new season.

But it’s not only humans who get to celebrate; now your pets participate too! Pet product retailer Peppy has released special ehomaki for cats and dogs called, respectively, “Shofuku Nyoromi Ehomaki Set” and “Shofuku Wanmii Ehomaki Set”.

▼ Shown below: the “Nyoromi” set for cats

Neither set contains actual ehomaki, but tasty pet treats packaged to look like ehomaki.

Both contain 15 tubes of delicious pastes designed for either cats or dogs made specially by Peppy with carefully selected ingredients such as chicken tenderloin, beef, salmon, and either bonito (for cats) or tuna (for dogs). While they’re packed with the flavor of the ingredients, they also contain 80 percent water, helping to promote your pet’s hydration.

The sets also includes natto (fermented soybeans), freeze-dried for easy serving, which contains lots of protein that’s essential for dogs’ and cats’ health. Lastly, both also contain dried sardines, made without salt by boiling them in fresh water as soon as they are brought on land.

All three treats are free from preservatives, artificial colors, and flavorings, and they can be bought online as part of the Ehomaki sets on Peppy’s online shop for 2,323 yen (US$15.75). February 3 is Setsubun this year, and 2024’s lucky direction is East-Northeast, so be sure to feed your pet the pieces of this yummy ehomaki while they face that way to wish for their good health and prosperity this year. And don’t forget your customary demon costume!

Source: Peppy (1, 2) via Japaaan
Images: Peppy
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