Besides having a higher chance of finding an upright tea stalk, it also brews up the most beau-tea-ful and tas-tea cup of leaf water ever.
Four different designs bursting with adorable Ghibli characters and good-luck symbols from Japanese culture.
Have your pet face east-northeast while eating these treats on February 3 and it’s sure to bring them good luck!
Drawing on cool traditional details and the mystical power of kotodama to help you pass any test in style.
No, there was no Japanese leprechaun with a pot of sashimi waiting for him.
This glittering culinary creation is designed to bring luck to purchasers of Japan’s Dream Jumbo Lottery tickets!
See what the future holds for this curious kitten who decided to dip into a box of cat-adorned fortune-telling charms.
Confectionary maker Suehiroan is hoping these daifuku rice cakes decorated with a four-leaf clover will provide encouragement for students taking entrance exams!
Remember when you were a kid, and your mom would check for monsters under your bed, put band-aids on your scraped knees and elbows, and cut the crusts off your sandwiches? Wouldn’t it be great if someone would still do that for you?
No matter how much you offer them for the service, the employees of Japanese bread and snack producer Yamazaki Bread won’t come to your house and protect you from the Boogey Man, because seriously, have you seen the guy? Way too scary. They do have your bread needs covered though, with their popular series of crust-free Lunch Pack sandwiches.
But despite the lack of crust being a major selling point for Lunch Pack, people in Japan aren’t complaining when one with a bit of brown on the edge slips through, because fans say it’s a sign of good luck. Read More