In 2011, Bardock, the father of Dragon Ball lead protagonist Goku, became the star of his own manga, Episode of Bardock, which expanded on his backstory. Now manga creator Akira Toriyama has revealed that he will draw a manga about Goku’s mother as well.


She will appear in a compilation of Toriyama’s new manga Jaco the Galactic Patrolman in a bonus comic. Her name is “Gine,” and Toriyama explains that she has a gentle nature. She fights along with Bardock in a four-Saiyan team, where he repeatedly saves her. Her temperament makes her unfit for the warrior life Saiyans lead, and she and Bardock develop romantic feelings for each other — something alien to the Saiyans, who only form relationships for the purpose of reproduction. As a consequence, she is assigned to a meat distribution center.

The Jaco the Galactic Patrolman compilation manga will go on sale on April 4.

Thanks to Grace for the tip!

[Via The Dao of Dragon Ball and Kanzenshuu; Images from RPG Web Game and Mudai-no Document]
Featured image: Deviant Art (superjmanplay2)

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