One Japanese Twitter user has gone to great lengths to analyze the gravity-defying hair of the spunky heroine of mystery anime Detective Conan/Case Closed.

Within the anime universe, Detective Conan‘s Ran Mori (Rachel Moore in the English dub) has an iconic hairstyle consisting of a large pointy structure jutting off the left side of her head. While most people would probably chalk it up to anime hair physics and not even think twice about it, Japanese Twitter user @takumitoxin was recently determined to solve the mystery of the pointy ‘do once and for all. After all, “There’s only one truth,” right, Conan?

Here are some of @takumitoxin’s hairy deductions after going on a viral Twitter rant:

▼ “This is what that tapered part of Ran’s hair is supposed to be, right?”

▼ “Some people were commenting, ‘I’m more curious about the hair around her ears.’ I think it’s supposed to be like [Japanese pop singer] Shizuka Kudo’s wispy locks.”

▼ “In the beginning, her part on the left-hand side was clearly defined, but after a while it seemed to morph into a visual symbol and became more pronounced and simplified.”

“In the anime, they added highlights in front of her part, and the pointy section seemed to gain complete independence and became hard to analyze.”

Other Japanese Twitter users were amused by the series of thought-provoking tweets, and left their own amusing comments:

“After all these years, the mystery of Ran’s pointy hair has been solved.”
“Thank goodness it wasn’t her skull.”
“I’m still convinced that it’s a drill.”
“The pointy hair is a symbol of her strength.”
“His analysis is so detailed, LOL”

Now that we’ve got Ran’s hair under control, maybe it’s time to move onto analyzing another candidate. Anyone want to take a stab at the famous spikes of Dragon Ball hero Goku?

Source: My Game News Flash
Top image: Twitter/@takumitoxin (edited by RocketNews24)

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