Turns out that the old switcheroo is also a good way to beat the summer heat.
One of the sweetest solution to Japan’s almost intolerable summer heat is to indulge yourself in some ice cream. It can be luxurious Häagen-Dazs ice cream with bold new flavors, or it can be simple classic treats that everyone loves.
One such classic is the Watermelon Bar introduced by Lotte back in 1986. Ever since its release, the popsicle’s resemblance to a juicy slice of the fruit has become a favorite in 7-Eleven convenience stores whenever summer rolls around.
▼ Here’s how a “normal” Watermelon Bar looks.
— 夏芽優李 official (@suguri_official) July 19, 2018
あついから朝からスイカバー二本。#スイカバーの人がスイカバーなう#スイカバーの人#夏芽優李 pic.twitter.com/HFu6fd2K9t
We mentioned the word “normal” because true to 7-Eleven’s tradition of selling quirky yet delicious foods, the store has unleashed Lotte’s Reverse Watermelon Bar (108 yen, US$0.97) that essentially swaps the popsicle’s “skin” and “flesh” portions.
▼ No, it’s not an unintentional blunder by Lotte.
(Translation below)
#ラン後のご褒美 13。今話題の逆⁈になっちゃったスイカバー(税込108円)近くのセブンイレブンでハントしました。メロンバーではありません。実と皮、パッケージなど通常のスイカバーと色々逆になってます。緑の部分は皮のはずなのにチョコっと種入り^_^うまうま。#スイーツとボディメイクの共存 pic.twitter.com/2M86X4kOC0
— きょうへい (@donutskyohey) July 26, 2018
“I hunted down a Reverse Watermelon Bar (108 yen including tax) at a nearby 7-Eleven store. It’s not a melon ice cream bar. The flesh and skin have been reversed, and it is also reflected in the packaging. The green portion is supposed to be the skin, but chocolate ball seeds are found in there.”
For Japanese people who grew up eating the usual Watermelon Bar, this new treat must have been an instant buy. It’s not just a color swap though, as the red part reportedly tastes sour with a slightly crunchier texture like biting into the fruit’s skin. Truly a mindblowing snack for ice cream or watermelon lovers out there.
This limited-edition Reverse Watermelon Bar is only available in certain 7-Eleven stores in Japan, so consider yourself lucky if you can find one at your local shop. While this newest wacky offering by the chain is mild compared to what they did with ramen and ice cream, it’s still a simple twist that’ll hopefully bring smiles to some faces.
Source: Entabe
Featured image: Twitter/@donutskyohey
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