Pikotaro’s unique brand of musical weirdness gives birth to a stay-home fitness routine he can barely complete.

As the man behind “Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen,” it would be all too easy to dismiss everything singer/comedian Pikotaro does as pure nonsense. He’s the guy who wrote a song where people slap him on the butt while shouting “Pumpkin,” after all.

But Pikotaro’s latest musical creation has an important purpose. As the coronavirus pandemic continues to force us to spend our days at home, Pikotaro has become concerned about the effects of such a sedentary lifestyle, and so the goal of his newest song is to “get your lazy body movin’.”

And so, without further ado, here’s Pikotaro’s new song/workout video, “Hoppin’ Flappin’!”

As soon as the music starts, Pikotaro starts demonstrating the routine via the song’s lyrics, which are all in English. First you count to four, swing your right arm upward in a circle, place your hand on your head, and give your hips a few solid shakes. Repeat (but counting from five to eight) with your left hand, and you’ll find yourself in the rabbit pose.

And what does a rabbit do? That’s right: it HOPS, so get up off your feet and jump in the air a dozen times.

Then it’s time to switch gears. Once again, count to four, and put your right arm out at shoulder-height, with your elbow bent and palm facing downward. Repeat with your left arm to get into the flappin’ bird pose

…and then, you guessed it, another dozen jumps into the air, this time waving your arms like the wings of a bird in flight.

Now that you’ve got the basics down, Pikotaro picks up the tempo, switching back and forth between the two exercises until he announces “It’s over” as the routine ends.

▼ Collapsing on the ground in exhaustion once you’re done is optional.

“Can you complete the Hop and Flap?” the singer asks, while admitting “Pikotaro was too old to do it!” While it may not look like anything you’d see in a regular aerobics class, all that jumping around will definitely get your heart rate up, and the sheer bizarre silliness looks like the perfect way to brush out the cobwebs from your head after several hours of silent telecommuting, or for your kids to burn off excess energy from being cooped inside for so long.

So thanks, Pikotaro, for helping us not just with hygiene and mental health, but physical fitness too.

Source: YouTube/-PIKOTARO OFFICIAL CHANNEL-公式ピコ太郎歌唱ビデオチャンネル via Billboard Japan
Top image: YouTube/-PIKOTARO OFFICIAL CHANNEL-公式ピコ太郎歌唱ビデオチャンネル
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