Two versions of the Great Deku tree and three versions of Link are part of the set recommended for fans 18-and-up.

Lego brought out its first Nintendo-themed set in 2020, and naturally the first character from the Kyoto-based video game developer to get a buildable-brick salute was Super Mario. But now Lego is ready to branch out to another Nintendo franchise, and once again it’s a natural choice: The Legend of Zelda.

For Zelda’s first-ever Lego kit, the setting is the Great Deku Tree. Actually, it’s two Great Deku Trees, as “The Great Deku Tree 2 in 1” set, as it’s officially called, gives you the pieces to recreate the fantastical flora as it appeared in both its original in-game appearance in 1998’s Ocarina of Time and 2017’s Breath of the Wild.

But wait, if the kit is supposed to be for fans of both Ocarina of Time and Breath of the Wild, which version of protagonist Link does it come with? Both of them…or rather, all three of them. In addition to a figure of the blue-shirted Breath of the Wild Link, you also get ones for both his adult and child-form green-capped incarnations from Ocarina of Time, plus a Princess Zelda figure.

▼ And yes, Lego made sure that the Ocarina of Time Links are pictured being left-handed, and Breath of the Wild Link as right-handed.

Also guest-starring in the set are a Breath of the Wild Korok and Ocarina of Time’s divisive directory fairy Navi.

▼ No, this isn’t an audio-equipped article that makes your device’s speakers say “Hey, listen!” That’s just lingering, irrepressible memories of Ocarina of Time playing in your subconscious.

▼ And yes, they did remember to include a blue ocarina as one of the props.

The kit contains a total of 2,500 pieces, though it’s not clear how many are used for each version of the Great Deku Tree (the lack of pink pieces in the Ocarina of Time version’s photos suggest that there’ll be some leftovers depending on which you’re making).

It does sound like the build is fairly complex, as Lego officially recommends the Great Deku Tree 2 in 1 set for builders ages 18 and up, thought that might partly be because with a price tag of US$299.99 or 41,980 yen, odds are the target market is more adult fans of Zelda and Lego buying the kits for themselves, rather than parents picking one up for their kids.

The Great Deku Tree 2 in 1 set is already available for preorder through the official U.S. and Japan Lego websites (here and here), with a shipping date of September 1.

Source: PR Times, Lego
Top image: PR Times
Insert images: Lego, PR Times
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Follow Casey on Twitter, where he thinks it’s a true sign of the times that there’s now a for-adults Zelda Lego set that costs more than a Neo Geo game.