Remember the cats that kept trying to go into Onomichi Museum, but were always gently blocked by the guard?
Almost half a year has passed since the two kitties that live near a museum in Hiroshima Prefecture went viral for constantly trying to go inside. Their adorable standoffs with the security guards at the Onomichi City Museum of Art stole the hearts of many, and as a result, Go-chan and Ken-chan seem to have become impromptu mascots of the facility, whose Twitter account has more pictures and videos of them than posts about actual museum events.
『久しぶりニャ😺 Long time no see! ②』(23/4/2019) #尾道 #千光寺公園 #尾道市立美術館 #黒猫 #cat #onomichi
— 尾道市立美術館 (@bijutsu1) April 23, 2019
The black cat Ken-chan, whose owners live nearby, and the tabby cat, Go-chan, an apparent stray named by the museum staff, are still trying to get in even now, but whether it’s to see the art, or just to snuggle in someone’s lap, who can say? They certainly love to get affection from the guards who stand on duty at the automatic doors.
▼ Go-chan getting some lovins
映像『また明日。See you tomorrow. 』(H301031)スタッフ撮影の美術館周辺の猫スナップをご紹介。(spin off 2018、不定期配信) #尾道 #千光寺公園 #尾道市立美術館 #猫 #茶トラ #cat #onomichi
— 尾道市立美術館 (@bijutsu1) October 31, 2018
▼ Ken-chan showing his affection
『来たんかぁ♫👮♂️ Long time no see! 』(13/4/2019) #尾道 #千光寺公園 #尾道市立美術館 #黒猫 #cat #onomichi
— 尾道市立美術館 (@bijutsu1) April 12, 2019
However, that affection might be driving a wedge between the two cats, unfortunately. They used to be good friends, even known to share a nose boop every once in a while…
『 くんくん⁉︎😺 sniff-sniff 』(7/4/2019) #尾道 #千光寺公園 #尾道市立美術館 #茶トラ #黒猫 #cat #onomichi
— 尾道市立美術館 (@bijutsu1) April 7, 2019
But recently, in the last week or so, Ken-chan and Go-chan have been growling and glaring at each other.
『見たニャ!😺 You saw meow! 』(22/4/2019) #尾道 #千光寺公園 #尾道市立美術館 #茶トラ #黒猫 #cat #onomichi
— 尾道市立美術館 (@bijutsu1) April 22, 2019
Perhaps the two have become unwilling to share the affections of the guards?
『立行司😺Middleman 』(17/4/2019) #尾道 #千光寺公園 #尾道市立美術館 #茶トラ #黒猫 #cat #onomichi
— 尾道市立美術館 (@bijutsu1) April 17, 2019
It seems like this guard is somehow able to keep them from fighting, but how long can he maintain the truce?
▼ “No more fighting, OK?” the guard gently but firmly tells them.
『けんかはやめて👮♂️Break it up. 』(17/4/2019) #尾道 #千光寺公園 #尾道市立美術館 #茶トラ #黒猫 #cat #onomichi
— 尾道市立美術館 (@bijutsu1) April 17, 2019
Japanese fans who follow the museum’s Twitter all seemed to agree that that was the cause of the rift:
“They’re fighting over the guard!”
“Thanks to the guard’s intervention, it looks like they might get along. They just love him!”
“The guard has to mediate between them now?! Maybe they’re fighting over him? Hearing him say ‘You have to get along!’ is so sweet!”
“Maybe Ken-chan is jealous.”
“Each one wants to have the guard all for himself.”
“Ken-chan, Go-chan, don’t fight!”
“It’s hard being so popular, isn’t it? The way he pets them is so gentle, it’s cute!”
What will happen to Go-chan and Ken-chan? Will they duke it out to solve their differences? Or will they decide that fighting is too much work, and opt to take a nap instead? Follow the Onomichi City Musuem of Art’s Twitter page to find out!
Source: Twitter/bijutsu1 via Hamster Sokuhou
Featured Image: Twitter/bijutsu1
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