With such beautiful attention to detail, we’d take these over real snacks any day.

Grandmas are the absolute best. Whether they’re smashing world records or modeling clothes on Instagram, one of the universal prerequisites for all grandmas, in addition to showering us with love and affection, is showering us with snacks and sweets too.

While some grandmas are content to dish out store bought candy, Japanese Twitter user @jin_s0819‘s mother-in-law has a slightly unique approach when it comes to the grandkids and snacks rule: she prefers the handmade variety.

Handmade with a needle and thread, that is.

“The quality of the felt toy playset that my mother-in-law made for her grandkids is incredible!!”


At a distance, you’d be forgiven for mistaking this box of treats for the real thing, but look closer and you’ll see @jin_s0819’s mother-in-law appears to have painstakingly hand stitched a whole supermarket’s worth of toy food using felt.

The toy playset includes food products instantly recognisable to anyone who has spent time in Japan, including Lotte’s Choco Pie, a couple of boxes of Pocky and different flavours of Ghana chocolate. The toys also include some savoury items as well, like soy sauce, ketchup, and instant stew cubes.

▼ A selection of the grandma’s hyper realistic sweets and snacks

The attention to detail is nothing short of incredible, from the ice cream toys having removable lids, right down to the lettering. 

“Were the letters cut out of felt and sewn on, or were they embroidered directly onto the toys?” one Twitter user asked, to which @jin_s0819 replied, “The toys are a lot smaller in comparison to the real products, so the lettering is much smaller too, but yes, it’s all embroidery!

▼ Check out the second picture for a size comparison.

▼ The ice cream cup lids and contents are fully removable (third picture).

▼ Condiments are included too, such as table salt, wasabi paste and soy sauce.

▼ Don’t forget the table essentials, like pizza sauce and powdered cheese!

Twitter was full of praise for @jin_s0819’s mother-in-law, with many calling for the nimble-fingered grandma to start selling her wares.

“Your mother-in-law’s skills are really amazing. She could absolutely sell these!”
“Even the hiragana and katakana lettering is really impressive.”
“If you put these on Mercari, they’d definitely sell for sure.”
“I mean, these are a whole new level of toys.”
“You can really feel the love she feels for her grandkids with these toys.”

If she ever does decide to start making her creations for sale, we’re sure she’ll have people throwing their money at her. And hey, if she needs any help to cope with the swarm of business she’s sure to get, we know a grandma with equally dexterous digits that could lend her a finger or two!

Source: Twitter@jin_s0819 via NetLab
Images: Twitter@jin_s0819
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