Users can use search options such as color and season to sift through hundreds of bra photos.
As a country with a robust online media sector, Japan can always use a good stock photo site. But sometimes general-use image collections’ broad variety of pictures means that they’re also pretty shallow in regards to selection for any one specific theme.
So in those cases, you need to go looking for a specialized stock photo site, and Japan’s newest has a very focused theme: bras.
Bra Drawer, or Bra no Hikidashi, to use the site’s Japanese name, is a free-to-use online resource for anyone looking for bra photos. Created by Osaka-based lingerie company Heaven Japan, Bra Drawer has nearly 400 photos of intimate apparel, with search options to help you find a shot that perfectly meets your needs.
The simplest sorting criteria is color, but you can also search for bra images by season or event, such as “summer”…
…or even “New Year’s,” which brings up photos with the auspicious red-and-white color scheme used for New Year’s decorations in Japan.
You an also search by style, in case you need a picture of, say, a sports bra.
Heaven Japan sells its bras online, and Bra Drawer is stocked with photos originally taken for use on the company’s online shop. Because of that, Bra Drawer users familiar with the Heaven Japan lineup can also filter their results for images of specific product lines, like the Tanimadonna seen here.
As for why someone would need bra stock images, Heaven Japan envisions a situation where someone might be writing, blogging, or tweeting about a specific type of bra, maybe to recommend a certain type to their followers after a good personal experience with it, or to talk about new fashion trends, but not necessarily want to share a picture of their own bra.
Bra Drawer can be found here, joining Japan’s macho muscly men stock photo site on the list of Japan’s most unique free-to-use image collections.
Source: PR Times
Top image: Bra no Hikidashi
Insert images: PR Times, Bra no Hikidashi
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