
Japanese dad reimburses wife for six months’ worth of breast milk, moves her to tears

New father makes mental note of the economic upside of breastfeeding, passes those savings on to his beloved wife.

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Nurse in China dubbed “Angel Nurse” for breastfeeding child during major surgery

When performing surgery on a patient, the ideal thing is to sedate them and complete the operation while they are lying still on the table. Unfortunately, there are situations where putting them under is out of the question. When young infants requires surgery, you often can’t fully anesthetize them because their bodies can’t handle it, which means the patient will often be awake or reacting to stimulus during the process.

When a baby was screaming during an operation in China, a nurse stepped in to calm the child down by breastfeeding the patient during surgery. The surgery was completed successfully and the father gave the nurse the nickname “Angel Nurse“. Join us for more details after the jump.

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