
Tasteless candy on sale at Lawson convenience stores

Taste the rainbow… You know, because rainbows are optical illusions that don’t have a taste.

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Does eating ramen out of a pot in the bathtub change the taste?

The answer may mildly shock you.

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“Japanese steak sandwich” flavour potato chips have us slavering over our keyboards!

Here at RocketNews24, we love trying out all of Japan’s weird and wacky potato chip varieties. Just recently, we wrapped our chops around bags of banana and peach flavoured “breakfast” chips. And of course there was the time that we sampled coffee flavour chips

But after all that taste bud overloading, our tongues are in need of something a little more subtle. Luckily for us, a new flavour of potato chips is about to hit the market, and they sound absolutely delicious. Japanese steak sandwich flavour? Shut up and take our money!

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