
Hide-and-seek game to be held on snow-covered mountain in Japan seeks 100 players【Video】

Temperatures expected to be far below freezing at event that welcomes kids and senior citizens too.

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Come play hide-and-seek on a deserted Japanese island this August and November

Not it!

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Haunted homicidal hide and seek in a rugby stadium coming to Osaka this summer

You’re it!

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Chinese artist blends into background with chameleon-like ease 【Photos】

Have you ever had one of those moments where you wish you could just disappear and the let the world pass by? Like Harry Potter’s cloak of invisibility, Chinese artist Liu Bolin has perfected the art of being unseen. Liu uses his chameleon-like skills (and a great deal of paint) to make himself barely noticeable even in some of the world’s busiest cities. Get ready to test your eyesight and take a look at 38 pictures of Liu hiding in plain sight!

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Not your average game of hide-and-seek: Japanese kids go high-tech!

Although some kids’ games will always be more popular in certain parts of the world than others – rock, paper, scissors is probably played more times in a single day in Japan than in the U.S. each year, for example – there are a handful of classics that kids all across the globe enjoy equally, one of them being hide-and-seek.

According to chatter between Japanese Twitter users, however, the classic game of hide-and-seek is evolving in the digital age, and where once the game was all about speed, stealth and cleverly planted decoys, mobile technology now has a role.

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