For the past few years, Kyoto Animation has been one of Japan’s hottest anime producers. With hit titles such as K-ON! (a story of cute girls occasionally playing rock music) and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (a story of cute girls occasionally bending the fabric of reality), the studio’s fans have been eagerly waiting to see what Kyoto Animation’s next offering would be.
Earlier this year, Kyoto Animation started a firestorm by producing a short animated teaser focusing on the members of a high school swim team, all male with delicate facial features and ripped abs. Some cried foul that Kyoto Animation would produce even a short clip that didn’t showcase a single cute girl, but others were excited by the prospect of watching a group of guys strip down to Speedos and work their lithe bodies through the water, going so far as to start petitions begging for more.
Kyoto Animation recently answered their prayers by announcing the production of a TV series adaptation of the swimming story, and fans around the world gushed with enough emotion to fill a pool.
Titled Free!, the series is set to premier this July. On hand to voice the characters are industry A-listers Nobunaga Shimazaki (currently voicing Date A Live’s protagonist Shido), Tetsuhisa Suzuki (Library War’s Hikaru), and Mamoru Miyano (Death Note’s Light).
▼ The Free! preview
Fans will have to wait until July to see if the show lives up to its high expectations or belly flops, but in the meantime, here’s what they’ve had to say, with country of origin:
OK ovaries, get ready! (Canada)
I think my ovaries just burst from the excitement. (America)
Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! (swoon). (Malaysia)
A dream come true for girls who like buff boys. (Indonesia)
This has restored my faith that God exists. (America)
I’m in heaven! (Finland)
Yes! Yes! Yes! Kyo-ani, I love you! (El Salvador)
All I can say is oh….my…god! (Australia)
This is the happiest day of my life! (America)
I’m a heterosexual male, but I’m definitely watching every episode. (Germany)
My body just can’t handle the excitement-can’t breathe (swoon). (America)
We won – it’s finally coming! (Brazil)
Fan-girl service…yes! (Malaysia)
Yessssss! (UK)
My life is now complete. (Germany)
I can die happy now. (Canada)
I can’t believe it’s actually happening! (Portugal)
I’m so happy I’m crying. My dream has finally come true. (Slovania)
Nice bod! (Tonga)
Source/top image/video: YouTube/KyoaniChannel
[ Read in Japanese ]
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