Ahh, the internet. It used to be that if you wanted snorgle-worthy pictures of baby animals, you had to go out and take them yourself, risking skinned knees, mozzie bites, and the occasional head cold to do so. Now, we can sit back in the comfort of our own beanbag chairs and have the cute come to us.
The latest digital goldmine to be discovered? The Twitter feed of the Hirakawa Zoo in Kyushu, where a pair of baby Asian small-clawed otters have been bringing the cute in a big way.
Check out these squee-tastic snaps.
▼ “This baby otter had a big yawn come over him while sunbathing! Some tiny teeth are starting to come in. He’ll be eating fish in no time!”
コツメカワウソの赤ちゃん、日光浴中に大きなあくびをしました!小さな歯もはえてきています。もう少ししたら魚も食べだしますよ! pic.twitter.com/FdyTZCgC1A
— 鹿児島市平川動物公園 (@hirakawazoo) April 13, 2015
▼ “Today the weather was good, so they were on display for two hours. Doesn’t it look like he’s saying ‘We are Sparta’!? To help with their development, they got to play in the pool and get all muddy, so these two are pretty tuckered out. This picture is them taking a breather after being dried off.”
— 鹿児島市平川動物公園 (@hirakawazoo) April 11, 2015
写真は、ちょっと一息ついて体を拭いてあげた後の様子です! pic.twitter.com/Ww310osVcq
▼ “They woke up a bit when we were weighing them, but soon went back into sleep mode. ZZZZ… Growing otters need sleep!”
— 鹿児島市平川動物公園 (@hirakawazoo) April 8, 2015
ぐっすり眠ることも成長には大事なことなんですよ! pic.twitter.com/EFNNWcfVs4
▼ “Today’s baby is an otter! We weighed him and checked that he doesn’t have any health problems. His face is like ‘Who’s this guy?'”
— 鹿児島市平川動物公園 (@hirakawazoo) April 8, 2015
この人だれ?みたいな表情でこちらを見てきます! pic.twitter.com/557wRUnFoi
▼ “It’s been one month since the birth of our Asian small-clawed otters. They’ve been growing so fast, they’ve already reached 300 grams! (They were about 60g at birth…) Their eyes have opened and they are starting to move around. In order to give them time to develop, the date of their debut hasn’t been set yet.”
コツメカワウソの赤ちゃんが生後一ヶ月を迎えました!スクスク成長し体重も約300gまで成長しました!(生まれた時は60gでした…)眼も開き、だいぶ動けるようになってきましたよ!子育て優先のため公開時期はまだ未定です pic.twitter.com/ijShJ9RNo3
— 鹿児島市平川動物公園 (@hirakawazoo) April 5, 2015
▼ “We’ve uploaded video of our baby Asian small-clawed otters. We’ve got two healthy boys! Check them out!”
— 鹿児島市平川動物公園 (@hirakawazoo) March 31, 2015
▼ “These Asian small-clawed otters were born on March 2! They’re both healthy boys. They’re still tiny and their eyes haven’t opened, so they won’t be on display yet. But you can still come see the parents!”
コツメカワウソが3月2日に出産しました!現在男の子が2頭順調に生育しています。まだまだ小さく眼も開いていないので、展示はせずに寝室で過ごしています。今後、展示場へ親が連れて行く姿をご覧いただけるチャンスもありますよ! pic.twitter.com/n6qPaVoGbe
— 鹿児島市平川動物公園 (@hirakawazoo) March 20, 2015
Pretty darn cute, right? And that’s not all, either. The zoo generally posts multiple times a day and their feed is packed with photos of their other animals, including a very photogenic red panda.
— 鹿児島市平川動物公園 (@hirakawazoo) April 11, 2015
※天候不良時は中止となる場合もありますのでご了承ください。 pic.twitter.com/JQBfRPQXTa
If you’ve got a hankering for super-cute animals and interesting factoids, do yourself a favor and follow Hirakawa Zoo today!
H/T Hamusoku
Images: Hirakawa Zoo
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