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Here at RocketNews24, we like to think our Japanese-language reporter Mr. Sato doesn’t just belong to us, but that he belongs to the world. After all, the value of panning for nuggets of wisdom in his stream of craziness transcends any mere national boundaries.

And now it seems Mr. Sato belongs to history as well, as we recently found out he was featured on American TV as part of the History Channel’s family of programing. It’s a great honor…except for the part where they mistakenly introduce him as a college student who’ll eat anything for five bucks!

It’s taken a bit of time for the program All You Can Eat to make its way to Japan. Originally airing on the History Channel’s H2 sister network in 2013, the series made its Japanese debut earlier this month on the History Channel in Japan.

The episodes are reruns of their American versions, albeit shown in a different order than they were in the U.S. For its Japanese premiere, All You Can Eat focused on bacon (viewable here on the website). That would have grabbed our attention anyway, but when we popped in a DVD with the episode on it that one of our readers had sent us, we spotted a familiar face onscreen.

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Appearing in the insert next to host John Pinette is our very own Mr. Sato, giving the customary Japanese announcement of “Itadakimasu!” just before starting his meal…which in this case is a pile of bacon with a hamburger mixed in somewhere. Loyal readers will remember this as the basis for an article we ran in 2012 in which we pushed Burger King’s “Have it your way” slogan to an extreme level by ordering a Whopper with 1,050 slices of bacon.

It was once of our proudest moments, and in the description of our YouTube video, there’s even a helpful link to the English article that explains what’s going on. Apparently All You Can Eat didn’t notice, though, because while playing clips from the video of Mr. Sato’s bacon challenge, they described him as a college student who will eat anything, as long as you give him five dollars to do it.

▼ They even use him as the thumbnail image for the video on their English website, to this very day.

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▼ Not pictured: a college student

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Without revealing his exact age, we can say that Mr. Sato is now old enough that the only things he’d be doing on a college campus are teaching a class or being politely asked to leave because he’s distracting the co-eds with all of his worldly knowledge and rich life experience.

However, when we asked Mr. Sato himself to comment on All You Can Eat’s uninformed distribution of information, he told us he has a bigger bone to pick:

“Five dollars? That’s just insulting! Look, there’s something I want to make clear right here: My price is 10 bucks.”

Don’t worry, though, despite his declaration of mercenary motivation, Mr. Sato’s not really like that. As a matter of fact, we don’t even give him a paycheck. Instead, we secretly record all of you through the speakers on your PCs and smartphones, and whenever you chuckle at one of our articles, we pipe the sound into Mr. Sato’s headphones so that he can draw sustenance from your laughter. In other words, our greasy gladiator’s bacon battle was all so that you could be entertained.

But hey, if any of you do happen to have 10 extra dollars in your wallet, you give us a call, OK?

History Channel, All You Can Eat
Screen captures from All You Can Eat, all other images ©RocketNews24
[ Read in Japanese ]

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