
Halloween is less than a week away! Do all of you have your costumes ready?

If you’re still looking to add a nifty additional touch, then you can do as these handy DIY-ers on Twitter did and turn inexpensive, 100-yen (US$0.84) water guns into clever, steampunk-ish accessories. All it takes is some paint and a little creativity!

Making or buying a decent costume, whether for Halloween or cosplaying year-round, can be pretty expensive. Once you’ve got the main part down, all the little things you need to add on top of it add up pretty quick. That’s why handy little do-it-yourself tricks like this are always welcome!

▼ These may look like just cheap pieces of plastic, but with a little inspiration they can be given a whole new life.


For example, this…


…can be transformed into this!

Or this.


Looking to make something a little less sci-fi? Not to worry, the online community has got that covered too.

https://twitter.com/himedsy/status/609373111645945857 https://twitter.com/Reunion00/status/631330984428896257 https://twitter.com/toho_www/status/635683004170375168

But we have to admit, bronze, silver, and gold give it a completely new feel that we totally dig.


And seeing the before and after transformations side-by-side is even more inspiring!

https://twitter.com/rotti620/status/612286067866099712 https://twitter.com/touri_64/status/528575102854516736 https://twitter.com/sakanauo/status/616680742572179456 https://twitter.com/sora_piku/status/476335154726567936

Time to bust out the old brushes and paints and get to work if you want to have one done by Halloween. It’s just a few days away!

Source: NAVER Matome
Top image: Twitter/ @hobbysearch (1, 2)