Pikavee Special Trains let you ride the rails with Pikachu, Eevee, and their pals, and can even take you to the Pokémon Center Mega Tokyo superstore.
I’ve been feeling a little down for the last week or so. See, every year, the Pikachu Outbreak takes place in downtown Yokohama, just a 15-minute train ride from my apartment. During this year’s Outbreak, packs of Pikachus, and for the first time ever Eevees too, gathered in the harbor district for parades and dance shows, but with the event now over, I realize I really miss having all those Pokémon around.
But luckily there’s a salve for the symptoms of Pocket Monster withdrawal, because right now there are special Tokyo subway trains filled with awesome Pokémon art!
池袋駅から乗った丸の内線が、ポケモンの車両だった! #ポケモン電車 pic.twitter.com/dPVkHCxKFA
— あゆねこ (@sayopooh_2005_7) August 20, 2018
#ピカブイ スペシャルトレイン、完成しました
— 【公式】ポケモン情報局 (@poke_times) August 19, 2018
どこを見ても #ピカブイ の世界観にどっぷりつかれちゃいます......
ぜひ乗ってみてくださいhttps://t.co/OkoAGS29WS pic.twitter.com/NKCldHeOG3
— 櫻井.ちぇりい (@sssakurrrai309) August 24, 2018
画は前回の。 pic.twitter.com/O4oxow6IFF
From the outside, these trains look exactly like any other Tokyo Metro carriages.
▼ Video of one of the Pokémon trains
— 放置 (@lucakurotoro) August 23, 2018
外からだと見えない pic.twitter.com/qg8DUeRZZu
But that just adds to the awesome surprise as they pull up to the station and their doors open…
丸の内線、ポケモンの内装になってるやつとかあるんだ?!知らなかった!! pic.twitter.com/3UwQC7aqQ7
— ぱと (@patomota) August 21, 2018
…revealing their interiors populated with various Pocket Monster species.
「歩きながらのゲームはご遠慮ください」ってアナウンスしている銀座線の車内はゲームの世界でした。 #ポケモン #銀座線 pic.twitter.com/fSEugoAONI
— 飯島邦夫 (@asakusakumasan) August 21, 2018
— otakuhouse.tokyo (@OtakuhouseT) August 19, 2018
イーブイは派ですか?#東京メトロ#丸の内線#ピカブイ#ポケモン https://t.co/2VzwsUVsEg pic.twitter.com/v1OOvAyxLp
▼ Even the hand straps are decorated!
— あわぶち かずあき (@bucciSince1921) August 24, 2018pic.twitter.com/RuFZE13flY
Officially called the Pokémon Pikavee Special Trains, the carriages are a promotion for the upcoming Nintendo Switch Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Let’s Go, Eevee! video games, which are scheduled for release in November. But that doesn’t mean the rest of the Poké-pantheon isn’t represented, as passengers include Magikarp…
“Pokemon Train” ab 19. August in Tokio. Nur Ginza und Marunouchi Linie von U-Bahn
— TheWeebs (@the_weebs_band) August 23, 2018
8月19日から東京メトロ銀座線と丸ノ内線でポケモンジャック!https://t.co/dqNE1pZUb7#pokemon #game #pokémon #japan #metro #zug #tokyo #ginza #marunouchi #otaku #otakus #charakter #pikatchu pic.twitter.com/VkUOJUWWSM
東京メトロの銀座線がポケモンだらけになっている。#地下鉄 #PokemonGO pic.twitter.com/AIbX1jrlGN
— たー写右衛門Rt☆ (@tarchan_c4_4o) August 19, 2018
… Jigglypuff…
写真撮りづらいけど地下鉄がポケモンまみれになってる pic.twitter.com/TD6zTwdPwr
— トート@マイルで世界一周 (@Thort_100) August 23, 2018
…and more of the collected cast of the franchise.
Riding the Pokémon subway trains is really a 360-degree experience. In addition to all the character artwork on the walls and overhead on posters and monitors…
— あき (@lemohachi) August 23, 2018
レッツゴーピカチュウ、イーブイって、肩にのせて冒険できちゃうの夢すぎない?? pic.twitter.com/gX8McKb8Tt
…if you look down at your feet, you’ll see the floor is covered in landscapes in the style of the Pokémon games’ field graphics.
地下鉄がポケモン仕様。 pic.twitter.com/XzqF0RbDIz
— yoshitomo nara / 奈良美智 (@michinara3) August 22, 2018
— はてん (@haten_jpn) August 22, 2018
広告が全部ってのは他にも見た事あるけど、窓や床までってのは初めて見た pic.twitter.com/7qeHltAmf9
銀座線乗ったら、ビックリしたーーー!!!#ポケモン pic.twitter.com/8WFmmofaOb
— みさ♡ (@misa_smiledays) August 20, 2018
Really, there are only two things to be sad about regarding these mobile sources of fan joy. First, there are only two Pokémon Pikavee Special Trains, one running on the Ginza subway line (between Shibuya and Asakusa) and the other on the Marunouchi Line (between Ikebukuro and Ogikubo), and the line’s operator doesn’t make public the schedule of when the Pocket Monster train pulls into each station. Second, the trains are a limited-time deal, running from now until August 30.
Still, if you’re lucky, you could find that your subway carriage is filled with Pikachu and his pals, and since the Marunouchi Line goes to Ikebukuro, you might just end up on the Pokémon Pikavee Special Train on your way to shop at the Pokémon Center Mega Tokyo superstore.
Source: Tokyo Metro (h/t Kotaku), Togetter
Top image: Tokyo Metro
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