All you’ll need is one slice of cake and the mind of a ninja

As we all continue to do the right thing by staying home and not meeting up with friends in an attempt to stop the spread of coronavirus, we can’t help but spare a thought for those of us celebrating birthdays at the moment.

No matter how old you are, it’s never fun to spend a birthday alone and away from family and friends, especially now when there’s an ever-present sense of doom and gloom in the air. But just because you’re alone at the moment doesn’t mean you shouldn’t treat yourself to something special to celebrate your big day, and today we’ve got a hack to share that’ll add some party flair to even the smallest celebrations.

All you need is a slice of your favourite cake and a fold-out mirror. Simply place the cake in the middle of the mirror and voila! Your party for one has turned into a proper party celebration!

Twitter user @DVtaiyou, who shared the hack above, says they didn’t have enough money to splurge on a whole cake, so instead used the magic of illusion and infinity mirrors to create one.

▼ Smoke and mirrors!

It’s definitely a lot more satisfying to feel like you’re blowing out multiple candles instead of just one, and that’s not the only plus with this hack; you won’t have to spend money on a whole cake and it cuts out the temptation to consume any unnecessary calories!

People online quickly agreed, sending the tweet viral with over 148,000 likes and lots of flattering comments.

“This is genius!”
“One-sixth of the expenditure and one-sixth of the calories!”
“It’s not just a birthday hack — it’s a diet hack as well!”
“This is the sort of illusion cake a ninja would create!”

“I’m stealing this idea for my birthday next week!”

Whether you’re celebrating your birthday alone or trying to keep your eating habits in check during lockdown, this mirror birthday cake hack will definitely bring a smile to your face, and it’ll look good on your social media accounts too.

Now all we have to do is find a way to use smoke and mirrors to multiply this face-sized fried chicken. Because that’s really got us putting on the calories right now…

Source: Twitter/@DVtaiyou
Top image: Pakutaso 
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