For different floor for four different aspects of your kitty’s lifestyle.

In Japan, cat trees are called “cat towers,” and high-rise condominiums are called “tower mansions.” So really it was only a matter of time before someone linked the two and created the “cat tower mansion,” a luxurious high-rise condo for a cat.

The brainchild (brainkitten?) of residential construction firm Mitsubishi Estate Residence, the Cat Tower Mansion was designed by a team led by cat-lover and licensed architect Akiko Ishimaru. And while the multi-level result is still an interior item, the team designed it with the thought and care they’d put into making a human home.

▼ The Cat Tower Mansion floorplan

The considerate touches start on the outside, with a tall scratching strip on one of the exterior walls.

Inside, each level of the structure has its own purpose. The ground floor is the bathroom, with a kitty litter tray made with special odor-absorbent materials.

▼ Though cats who wear diapers may not get much use out of this amenity.

The second floor is the garden lounge, with an outside view and a planter for growing pet grass.

Floor three is the living room, with a fluffy surface and a semi-spherical porthole-style window.

And last, the Cat Tower Mansion’s top surface is a cozy open sleeping area, with a soft bed to spend the night, or a sunny afternoon, snoozing in.

Unfortunately, Mitsubishi Estate Residence isn’t currently offering its Cat Tower Mansion for sale to the general public. Hopefully that changes soon, lest felines looking to establish home ownership continue to try to take over Japan’s castles.

Source: PR Times via IT Media
Top image: PR Times
Insert images: YouTube/三菱地所レジデンス公式チャンネル, PR Times
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