The many faces of the pint-sized mind-reader reproduced in mochi and anko.

As the name implies, smash-hit anime Spy x Family is an ensemble series centered on the Forger family. But while dad/spy Loid and mom/assassin Yor are compelling characters in their own ways, the clear fan favorite is daughter/mind-reader Anya. The adorable little esper is so cute that you might find yourself thinking “I could just eat her right up!”, and that’s now a literal option with these new Japanese mochi sweets.

Longtime readers may recognize the handiwork here of Bandai Candy and the character-based confectioner’s Tabemas line. Officially pronounced the same as tabemasu, the Japanese word meaning “to eat,” Tabemas is officially a mash-up of tabemasu and “mascot,” as they’re edible recreations of iconic anime characters.

If you want to into the real nitty-gritty details, Anya is part of the Tabemas Mocchi line, which makes use of sticky mochi rice flour. Anya’s facial features are made with milk-flavored mochi, and her pink hair is styled from strawberry-flavored anko (sweet red bean jam). Not only does this give you two separate flavors to enjoy, if you take a bite that contains both, they’ll mix into a strawberry milk flavor as you chew.

Part of what makes Anya such a master thief-level scene-stealer is the incredible range of emotions she can display. Reflecting that, her Tabemas lineup consists of seven different designs, with everything from starry-eyed wonder to tear-filled heartbreak and, of course, her creepily confident smile when she’s absolutely certain her latest scheme is going to work perfectly (even though whether or not things actually pan out that way is another matter).

▼ A smile similar to this one also showed up on one of Uniqlo’s Anya T-shirts.

The Anya Tabemas are on sale now, priced at 285 yen (US$2), at branches of Japanese convenience store Lawson nationwide. With seven different designs, it’s unlikely that you’ll find all of them at any one store, but part of being a good parent is being able to love your child no matter what mood they’re in, so we’re sure they’ll all find good homes.

Source: @Press, Bandai Candy
Top image: @Press
Insert images: Bandai Candy, @Press
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