Because we wouldn’t be SoraNews24 if we did it any other way.
Out of the many lucky bags SoraNews24 purchased for the start of 2024, one of them was from Mos Burger, a fast food chain in Japan and home of the Muscle Burger. This year was a collaboration with One Piece and cost 5,000 yen (US$33), and one of the best things inside was 5,000 yen worth of coupons!
Our Japanese-language reporter Kouhey decided it was time to use them up, but only under two conditions: one, that he use up all 5,000 yen in one go, and two, that he do it alone.
His strategy was simple: get the most expensive items in the hopes that it wouldn’t be too much food. Some of the seasonal menu burgers could get up to as much as 810 yen, but unfortunately, this particular Mos Burger branch…
…was sold out of almost all of the expensive ones.
Kouhey’s strategy was smashed in an instant, and he had to do some quick thinking to make the standard menu work for him. Here’s what he ended up getting–now would be a good time to pull out your calculator.
・Spicy Double Mos Burger – 640 yen
・Double Teriyaki Burger – 590 yen
・Green Burger (Teriyaki) – 590 yen
・5-Piece Mos Chicken Pack – 1,500 yen
・Side Salad – 300 yen
・Clam Chowder – 360 yen
・Large French Fries – 360 yen
・Barbecue Sauce – 40 yen
・2 Medium Iced Oolong Teas – 540 yen
・Strawberry Mousse Cake – 350 yen
・Set Discount – -270 yen
The grand total? Exactly 5,000 yen!
The purchasing part of Mission Im-Mos-ible was finished. The staff whipped up the order items one by one.
First, the burgers.
Then came the Chicken Pack.
The side menus and the drinks arrived…
…and finally, dessert.
This is what a 5,000-yen spread at Mos Burger looks like.
Now it was time to eat. Kouhey couldn’t face defeat for this self-imposed challenge, so he carefully planned the order in which he’d chow down.
He started off light with the Side Salad.
Done in under a minute.
Next, he tackled the burgers, starting with the Green Burger.
The trick to this kind of eating challenge, according to Kouhey, is to see how much you can fit into your stomach before your mind gives up. So, he finished this burger in four bites.
Next came the Spicy Double Mos Burger.
Also done in a flash.
Instead of moving onto the third burger, Kouhey started on the protein-packed, stomach-filling chicken before he ran out of mental steam.
He managed to down three of them before tackling his next menu item.
Your time has come, Double Teriyaki Burger.
Kouhey’s will remained strong as he scarfed it down.
The Three Burgers had been conquered, but Kouhey was now faced with the dilemma of fried food.
This is where he struggled the most in past eating challenges. The fries in particular were difficult.
They fill your stomach in a different way, like little potato devils.
But Kouhey had a secret weapon to break up the monotony of starch: clam chowder.
The seafood-y taste made it easier to stomach the oiliness of the fries.
It even helped him squeeze in the last chicken wings.
And that’s how he finished the fries, chicken, and clam chowder in one go.
The final boss came in the form of Strawberry Mousse Cake…
…but thankfully, it turned out to be like one of those video game final bosses that’s strangely easy to beat.
Mission Im-Mos-ible: Complete!
To be truthful, Kouhey almost gave up after the burgers, even going so far as to plan how he would write this article saying he finished the rest at home instead of in the Mos Burger restaurant. But he persevered, consuming roughly 3,500 calories in one sitting.
Kouhey was quite satisfied with his win, though he might not be eating Mos Burger again for a while. He’s also worried Mos Burger will release a 10,000-yen lucky bag next year. For now, let’s wish his stomach a good rest.
Photos ©SoraNews24
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