The store calls them “accessory cases,” but they’ll hold whatever you want that fits inside.

Sometimes, it’s hard to tell if Japanese is a very specific language, or a very vague one. For example, a common item you can find at housewares stores are komonoire. The closest English equivalent is “accessory case,” but the literal translation acknowledges that the containers can be used for storing much more than rings and necklaces, as komonoire more directly translates to “[thing to] put small things in.”

Just what kind of things? Well, anything you want, as long as they’re things that are small enough to fit inside. And really, today we’re looking at some komonoire which would be great to have regardless of whether or not you have anything you need to store inside, because they’re little pockets of the Studio Ghibli anime world.

Offered by Ghibli specialty shop Donguri Kyowakoku, these komonoire/accessory cases feature characters from two of the studios most memorable works, My Neighbor Totoro and Princess Mononoke. Starting with the warmer, cuddlier story of forest spirits, the Totoro case has a pair of Totoros, a Big/Gray and a Medium/Blue, picking wildflowers, in the company of a demure little ladybug.

Slide the lid off, and you’ll find another Totoro waiting inside, relaxing on a bed of leaves!

The organic-looking design of the case (which is actually made of polyester resin) also has a few Soot Sprites crawling on its front face, plus an especially cool design point on top, where there’s an opening, meant to look like a hole chipped through the log, that lets you peek inside.

At 11.3 centimeters (4.4 inches) in length, there’s not a ton of room, especially since the lounging little Totoro takes up some of the interior. There’s still enough space to keep a treasure or two inside, or maybe some candy if you want to use the komonoire for a snack stash.

Moving on to the accessory case for Princess Mononoke, we find the film’s most laidback characters, the Kodama.

This one is also 11.3 centimeters long, and it also has an additional adorable character waiting inside, who just might be the happiest-looking Kodama we’ve ever seen!

▼ Seriously, just look at that cheery little guy!

Also like the Totoro accessory case, this version has a conveniently placed hole in its top.

Both cases are currently available at Donguri Kyowakoku thanks to a restock and can be ordered online (Totoro komonire here, Kodama here), each priced at 4,400 yen (US$28).

Source: Donguri Kyowakoku
Top image: Donguri Kyowakoku
Insert images: Donguri Kyowakoku (1, 2)
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