School Swimsuit in Japan is Conservative and Surprisingly Cute2The worst time in P.E. for many girls is the few weeks when everyone is forced to learn how to swim. When you’re a self-conscious young lady, having to wear a bathing suit in front of a bunch of guys can be mortifying. To make matters worse, most swimsuits are very low-cut on the top and high-cut on the bottom, making for a very embarrassing garment for girls who are uncomfortable with their bodies to wear.

Good news for shy girls and fashionistas alike! Japan-based swimsuit maker, Footmark, seems to have achieved the impossible by releasing a one-piece girls’ school swimsuit that is both conservative and absolutely cute.

Officially named, “Double Flare Skirt One-Piece,” this newly released swimsuit allows young girls to cover up during swimming lessons at school. The skirt portion of the swimsuit features a double flare design and ruffled sleeves. It also has a raised, boat neck-style neckline, reducing the amount of exposed skin. The suit is sold online at Ukiuki-ya for 6,825 yen (US$67.17).

Here’s a sample of some other school-use swimsuits sold on the same site:

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And here’s another picture of the new Footmark suit:

School Swimsuit in Japan is Conservative and Surprisingly Cute3

Wait a tick, the “Double Flare Skirt One-Piece” looks a little familiar…

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Sgt. Frog also seems to approve of the new design…

Source: Hachima Kiko

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